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Added 19.12.12
Legion d'Honneur


Light Brigade Recipients


The LÉgion d'Honneur was awarded to 746 members of the British Armed Forces during the Crimean War (also known as the Russian War) which lasted from 1854 to 1856. Prior to the Crimean War there was no precedent of a mass exchange of awards between allied nations. However, in January 1856 Queen Victoria and the Emperor of France formally agreed to an interchange of decorations between their two Armies.[1] Nominations for the French awards had already been gathered, with recommendations requested at the end of October 1855 and mid December 1855.[2] In exchange several awards of the Order of the Bath were made to French soldiers and sailors.[1]

Awards of the LÉgion d'Honneur to members of the British Armed Forces during the Crimean War were made in two lots, with awards first announced in the Le Moniteur of 16 and 19 July 1856 (with a consolidated list appearing in the London Gazette of 4 August 1856) and again on 22 April 1857 (which was republished in the London Gazette on 1 May 1857).[1][3][4] The LÉgion d'Honneur decorations awarded to members of the British Armed Forces were those of Napolean III's Second Empire with the Maltese Asterisk suspended from an Imperial Crown.

References ^ a b c Abbott, P.E., 'Foreign awards to members of the British Forces for the Crimean War: Part I, Introduction, LÉgion d'Honneur and Medaille Militaire, The Journal of the Orders and Medals Research Society, 36(1), Spring 1997, 16-27 ^ Mawson, Michael Hargreave, 'The award of the LÉgion d'Honneur to members of the British Forces for the Crimean War, The miscellany of honours, The Orders and Medals Research Society, 11, 1997, 41-53 ^ a b London Gazette, Monday August 4th, 1858, No. 21909 ^ a b London Gazette, Friday May 1, 1857, No. 21996

Alphabetical listing drawn from the two London Gazette lists, with decorations awarded in the grade of Chevalier (5th class) unless otherwise stated.

Bambrick, 1465 Private John Thomas, 11th Hussars.

Brown, Brevet-Major George John, 4th Light Dragoons.

Brown, 476 Trumpeter John, 17th Lancers.

Cooke, Brevet-Major Edwin Adolphus, 11th Hussars. [CHECK SPELLING: COOKE?]

Crosse, Surgeon John Burton St. Croix, 11th Hussars.

De Salis, Major and Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel Rodolph, 8th Hussars.

Douglas, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 11th Hussars.

Gillam, Serjeant David, 4th Light Dragoons.

Gloag, Veterinary-Surgeon John William, 11th Hussars.

Gordon, Captain Sir William, 17th Lancers.

Gray, Trumpet-Major William, 8th Hussars.

Guttridge, Troop Serjeant-Major George George, 11th Hussars. [CHECK SPELLING: GUTTERIDGE?]

Johnson, Regimental Serjeant-Major Thomas George, 13th Light Dragoons.

Low, Major and Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander, 4th Light Dragoons.

Morris, Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel William, Deputy-Asst Quartermaster-Gen, 17th Lancers, Staff.

Paget, Colonel Lord George Augustus Frederick, (4th class).

Shewell, Colonel Frederick George, 8th Hussars (4th class).

Tremayne, Brevet-Major Arthur, 13th Light Dragoons.

[Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_recipients_of_the_LÉgion_d'Honneur_for_the_Crimean_War (accessed 19.12.12)]

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