Born at Blackfriars, London c.1828, the son of Charles and Mary Ann Beck [nee Salter]. He was baptised at St. Saviour's Church, Southwark, on the 22nd of February 1829.
Thomas Edward died on the 19th June 1890 at the age of 61, his death certificate described his occupation as Saddler Master and Army Pensioner.
The Atherstone News, Friday June 27th 1890, contained the following obituary:
"During his 25 years service in the regiment of the 11th Hussars, the late Mr T. E. Beck (formerly saddler sergeant), who expired on the 19th instant, at his residence, Long Street. Atherstone, had seen a considerable active life. He took part in the Crimean campaign in the year 1854; was present at the battles of Alma, Balaclava and Inkermann and also the seige of Sabastopol in the same year. In the Balaclava engagement he narrowly escaped being fatally shot, the bullet penetrating his busby. On another occasion he escaped death under similar circumstances, his horse being shot under him."
His gravestone in the Atherstone cemetery reads:
"In Loving Memory Thomas Edward Beck June 19, 1890 Aged 61 Years One of the 600 of Balaclava Resting Til the Day Break and Shadows Flee Away Thomas Edward Beck 1828-1890."
[PB: Can this be found? Is there a photograph? TEB is not always recognised as a Charger, yet his memorial states that he was, e.g. Brighton includes him, but Crider and Dutton do not.]