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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 05.10.11. Minor edits 14.4.14. New info. added 23.8.2018.

1565, Private William BROUGHTON — 11th Hussars

Birth & early life

Born, according to the 1851 Census, at Houghton le [PB: "in the"?] Hole, Norfolk, c.1836, the son of Josiah [almost certainly Agricutural Labourer], and Phoebe [or Phoeby] Broughton. [PB: 1871 Census says Houghton St Giles.]


Baptised at Houghton St Giles, Norfolk, on 23 October 1836 [PB].

[PB: Baptism...]


Enlisted at King's Lynn on the 18th of October 1852.

Age: 17.

Height: 5' 7".

Trade: Servant.


In hospital at Scutari from the 1st of April — 31st of May 1855.

From Private to Corporal: 22nd of January 1859.

Corporal to Sergeant: 19th of October 1860.

Discharge & pension

Discharged, "by claim", from Aldershot on the 2nd of December 1860.

Conduct: "very good". In possession of two Good Conduct badges.


Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman and Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.


Life after service

1851 Census

The 1851 Census shows him in Houghton aged 15. [RM]

[PB: More here...]

1861 Census

The 1861 Census shows him as an Agricultural Labourer born at Houghton le hole living in his parents' house. His father, Josiah Broughton, 60, born Walsingham [PB: Norfolk?] and mother Phoebe 51, born Rainham [PB: Great Raynham, Norfolk, rather than Essex?] [RM]

[PB: More here...]

1871 Census

Fakenham Road, Houghton St Giles, Norfolk.

By 1871 he was aged 34, an unmarried Agricultural Labourer, and still living with his parents in the same village. His brother Henry, aged 19, Agricultural Labourer, was also living with the family[RM]

[PB: More here...]

1881 Census

Fakenham Road, Houghton le Hole, Norfolk.

The 1881 Census shows him as aged 46 years, an Agricultural Labourer, Unmarried, born at Houghton, Norfolk, with his mother, Phoeby [sic?], a Widow, formerly a Laundress, aged 72, born at Great Raynham, Norfolk.

[PB: More here...]

Death & burial

Death registration

[PB: Ancestry: Death registration.]

[Source: Ancestry: Norfolk, England, Church of England Deaths and Burials, 1813-1990.]

(Click on image to enlarge)

William Broughton died at the age of 51 years and was buried at Houghton on 19th of May. Notice, in the same position on the facing page, the burial of his mother, aged 79, on 27 February 1889. Her address is given as Houghton Alms Houses.

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