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The E.J. Boys Archive

Amended 9.5.11

1368, Private Thomas BRADY — 13th Light Dragoons

Birth & early life

Born in Dublin.


Enlisted at Dundalk on the 17th of November 1849.

Age: 18.

Height: 5' 7".

Trade: Baker.

Service, discharge & pension

Sent to Scutari on the 27th of October 1854 and rejoined the regiment on the 23rd of February 1855:

"In confinement" from the 6th of March 1859. Tried by a District Court-martial (for an un-specified offence) on the 19th of March and in the District Military Prison at Dublin until the 17th of June.

Letter from the Advocate General's Office, dated the 26th of July 1859:

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th. inst. transmitting the charges preferred against Private Thomas Brady, 13th Light Dragoons, and requesting my opinion whether they are in a fit state for investigation before a General Court-martial. I have the honour to acquaint you for the information of General George Seaton that the charges appear to be in a fit state to appear before a General Court-martial. If any of the facts are incorrectly stated then the necessary alterations may be made by the Officer preferring the same.

I am, etc. etc.,

S.C. Denison."

"In confinement" from the 20th of July 1859 until being tried by a District Court-martial at the Royal Barracks, Dublin, on the 2nd of August 1859, for "Offering violence and using threatening language to a superior officer", and sentenced to 4 years penal servitude.

Details of the Court-martial proceedings against him:

"Charges to be preferred against 1368 Private Thomas Brady for insubordination in having, at Island Bridge Barracks , Dublin, on or about the morning of the 20th of July 1859, offered violence against Sergeant John Allen, 13th Light Dragoons in showing a mess-tin at him, he, the said Sergeant John Allen being his superior officer and here and then in the execution of his office, for conduct and prejudice against good order and military discipline .in the following instances;-

(1st Instance.) For having on and about the time and place mentioned in the first charge used abusive and threatening language to Sergeant John Allen, his superior officer and declared "I will be the death of you, you bugger, I will, you bloody coward" ,or words to that effect, such conduct being insubordinate and outrageous and subversive to good order and military discipline.

(2nd. Instance.) For having on or about the same time as above maintained and used abusive and threatening language towards Corporal Robert Henry Riddlestone, his superior officer and declared, "You bloody scrounger, You scum, you shall suffer for this, you bloody rogue", or words to that effect, such conduct being insubordinate and outrageous and subversive of good order and military discipline."

Discharged, "in consequence of having been sentenced to four years penal servitude", from Edinburgh on the 28th of November 1859 and "Given over as a convict" to Millbank Prison, London, from the 29th of November 1859.

Served 10 years 8 days.

Conduct and character, "Indifferent". Not in possession of any Good Conduct badges.

He sent money from the Crimea to his mother, Eliza Brady, of No. 11 White Lane, Dorset Street, Dublin.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Sebastopol and the Turkish medal:

"Fresh" medal granted on the 13th of August 1856.

Life after service

A man of this name was shown in the 1881 Census Return as living in Steinburn Street, Leeds, a Rag Dealer, aged 50, born in Ireland, with his wife, Bridget, aged 54, also born in Ireland, and two unmarried daughters, both Cloth Sorters.

Death & burial

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