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The E.J. Boys Archive

Last amended 5.6.11, 28.4.14.


1402, Private Benjamin BOVILLE — 17th Lancers

Birth & early life

The IGI records show Benjamin Boville was christened on the 22nd of April 1832 at Bramham, Yorkshire, the son of Christopher and Mary Boville.

1841 Census


Christopher Boville, 35, Carpenter, and wife Mary, 35.

Five children shown: John 14, Benjamin 9, Frederick, 6, Rebecca 4, Thomas 7 months.

1851 Census

Scawby Vicarage, Scawby, Lincs.

Benjamin Boville, 19, Groom, born bramhall.


Enlisted at Bristol on the 12th of January 1855.

Age: 22.

Height: 5'7".

Trade: None shown.


Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 16th of July 1855.

Was at the General Depot, Scutari, from the 28th of October — 19th of November 1855.

Embarked for India from Cork aboard the S.S. "Great Britain" on the 8th of October 1857.

Was batman in India to Colonel Benson, the Commanding Officer.

The July-September 1858 muster rolls show no particular service entry for him during this period.

In action against the rebels at Zeerapore on the 29th of December 1858, and at Baroda on the 1st of January 1859.

Discharge & pension

Discharged, "by purchase", paying the sum of £20, at Secunderbad, India, on the 3rd of January 1864.

There is no indication of the amount paid or whether he remained in India or returned to England.

Served 9 years 79 days.

Conduct and character: "very good". In possession of two Good Conduct badges.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.

Mutiny medal without clasp.

Life after service

Benjamin Boville is shown in the GRO records as having married Mary Anne Logan in the West Derby registration district in the June Quarter of 1869.

[RM: Benjamin Boville is shown on the 1880 United States Census, aged 48, a Labourer born in England (also shown as his mother's birthplace), living in 2nd Ward, Troy, Rensselaer, New York. His wife Mary Anne, aged 46, born Scotland, is also shown along with an eldest daughter Mary M., aged 14, born in England. Other children — Thomas, George, John and Benjamin — are shown aged between 10 and 2 years — all born in New York.]

Death & burial

References & acknowledgements

Census information for 1841 & 1851 kindly provided by Chris Poole.

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