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The E.J. Boys Archive

Last amended 28.7.11, 28.4.14.


1388, Private John BROWN — 17th Lancers

Birth & early life

Born at Bruton, Somerset.


Enlisted at Cork on the 29th of November 1854.

Age: 18.

Height: 5' 7".

Trade: None shown.


Sent to the Crimea on the 18th of June and joining the regiment on the 19th of July 1855.

At Scutari General Depot from the 8th of November — 25th of December 1855.

In India from the 19th of December 1857, having embarked at Cork aboard the S.S. "Great Britain" on the 8th of October 1857.

The muster rolls for the period July-September 1858 show him as being "On Field Service" during the whole of this period.

Served in action against the rebels at Zeerapore on the 29th of December 1858 and at Baroda on the 1st of January 1859.

Died at Gwalior, India, on the 16th of June 1859.

The Regimental "Casualty Returns" for the period confirm him as having been born at Bruton in Somerset, and his next of kin as being his father, Charles Brown, living at Bruton, He left no will, his credits being £5/3/11d. His Crimean medal (and clasp) were sent to his father. He was a labourer by trade, on enlistment.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.

Mutiny medal without clasp.

[EJB: There were two John Browns (one as James, but this is underlined and noted as John) recorded on the medal rolls, the other being No 136, no distinction was made as to their being 1st or 2nd, although it does do so in the muster rolls.]

The "Returned Medal Book" states, "Mutiny medal sent to the Mint. No trace of issue."

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