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The E.J. Boys Archive

Last amended 28.7.11, 28.4.14.


862, Private Peter BROWN — 17th Lancers

Birth & early life

Born in the parish of St. Peter's, Manchester.


Enlisted at Birmingham on the 6th of June 1846.

Age: 18.

Height: 5' 6".

Trade: Velvet-maker.

Features: Sallow complexion. Grey eyes. Brown hair.


Tried by a District Court-martial at Dublin on the 26th of September 1846 for "habitual drunkenness". Awarded 40 days imprisonment.

Tried by Regimental Court-martial for the same offence at Dublin, 10th of August 1850. Awarded 84 days imprisonment.

Tried by a District Court-martial on the 11th of September 1854 for being "drunk on parade" and for which he received 30 lashes.

Tried and imprisoned four times for "habitual drunkenness", the last time for "having been drunk when due for embarkation." This must have been when leaving for the Crimea, for which he was awarded, and given, 30 lashes.

All these convictions carried loss of pay. He also had the doubtful distinction of being the only man "in close confinement" during the voyage out to the Crimea aboard the "Himalaya".

Wounded in action at Balaclava, 25th October 1854, and sent to Scutari, 26th of October 1855.

Invalided to England aboard the "Sultana" on the 20th of December 1854.

Sent from the Invalid Depot to Hampton Court, "on sick furlo pending discharge", 30th of June 1855.

Discharge & pension

Finally discharged to "Out-Pension" from Chatham Invalid Depot, 18th of 0ctober 1855:

"Is unfit for further service from wound to right wrist joint after severe shell-wound received at Balaclava. Complete paralysis of the right wrist joint. Was struck in the middle of the palm of the hand. Equal to loss of hand."

Served 7 years 294 days. Aged 25 years 11 months on discharge.

Conduct and character: "Bad". Not in possession of any Good Conduct badges.

Awarded a pension of 9d. per day.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.

The Sebastopol clasp roll shows him as having "died of his wounds, 5th of January 1855"; but this is crossed out, and "Error, alive in June of 1856" added.

Life after service

Lived in the Bolton Pension District after discharge, moving to the No. 1 Manchester Pension District on the 1st of December 1855.

Death & burial

Died in the No. 1 Manchester Pension District, 2nd of January 1860, at the age of 34 years [sic].

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