Born at Newton, near Liverpool.
Enlisted at Manchester on the 7th of April 1855.
Age: 20.
Height: 5' 8".
Trade: Weaver.
Appearance: Fresh complexion. Hazel eyes. Lt. brown hair.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 1st of August 1855.
From Private to Corporal: 1st of October 1857.
Corporal to Sergeant: 1st of August 1859.
Appointed to Troop Sergeant Major on the 6th of December 1866.
Re-engaged at Maidstone for a further period of 12 years' service on the 7th of April 1867.
Embarked for India from Portsmouth aboard the "Serapia" on the 15th of October 1867.
He was invalided to England from Rawalpindi via Bombay on the 11th of February and embarking on the 11 March 1874.
Doing duty with the Gloucester Hussars Yeomanry from the 12th of January 1875.
Discharged to pension from Canterbury on the 20th of May 1876.
"Free, at own request, after 21 years' service."
Served 21 years 37 days.
In Turkey and the Crimea: 247 days
In India: 6 years 193 days.
Aged 41 years 1 month on discharge.
Conduct: " very good". Would now have had five Good Conduct badges if not promoted.
Never entered in the Regimental Defaulters' book. Never tried by Court-martial.
Documents confirm the award of the Long Service & Good Conduct medal only.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Awarded the Long Service & Good Conduct medal on the 25th of March 1874, with a gratuity of £5.
To live at Hemont House, Fishponds, Bristol.
Pension increased from its original 24d. to 31d. per day on the 4th of November 1890 after 14 years' service on the Permanent Staff of the Gloucester Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry as Troop Sergeant Major.
Awarded the Meritorious Service Medal on the 4th of October 1882, with an annuity of £10 and was still shown in the Army Estimates Returns in 1923.
He is said to have died circa 1924.