Born at Feltham, Middlesex, on the 14th of January 1827.
Enlisted at London into the 90th Foot on the 1st of January 1845. Regimental No. 2041.
Age: 18.
Height: 5' 11".
Trade: Labourer.
Sallow complexion. Blue eyes. Brown hair.
Transferred to the 3rd Light Dragoons on the 1st of November 1853 with the Regimental No. of 2135.
There was a 577 John Blunden serving in the regiment at this time, possibly a relative and the reason for his transfer.
From Private to Corporal: on the 10th of March 1855 and transferred to the 4th Light Dragoons on the same day, vide Horse Guards Authority, dated the 2nd of March 1855.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 14th of June 1855.
Tried by a Regimental Court-martial on the 14th of March 1856 for "being drunk at stables," and reduced to Pte.
Volunteered into the 8th Hussars at Aldershot on the 1st of September 1857. Regimental No. 30.
Embarked for India from Cork aboard the S.S. "Great Britain" on the 8th of October 1857.
From Private to Corporal: 9th of July 1860.
Reduced to Private by a Regimental Court-martial on the 25th of July 1861.
Discharged from Canterbury on the 5th of June 1863 to a "deferred pension of 4d. per day upon reaching the age of 50 years."
Conduct: "good.,"
In possession of one Good Conduct badge.
Served 17 years 4 months, to count. In Turkey and the Crimea 10 months. India 3 years 10 months.
Aged 35 years on discharge.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Mutiny medal with clasp for Central India.
Served at Kotah.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.
Letters exist in the P.R.O. in which he notified his change of address to No. 73 Gill Street, Liverpool.
The first is dated 3rd of April 1874 and confirmed on the 4th of June 1875 and the 3rd of April 1876.
There is also his certificate of right of registry "for a deferred pension of 4d. per day upon reaching the age of 50 years" viz: 13th of January 1877, and stating that he enlisted on the 13th of January 1845 at the age of 17 years and 10 months (not as stated in the musters) and that his service was 17 years and 4 months. This was dated the 2nd of June 1862.
An entry on another document states; "D.D. carried over from 4/7/93 and his being awarded a special pension of 12d. per day "for campaign service prior to 1860."
Later documents confirm his being awarded a deferred pension of 4d. per day from the 13th of January 1877. His address at that time was as before shown, and that he was born at "Felthard, Co. Tipperary, [sic]"