Enlisted at Dublin on the 13th of March 1845.
Age: 19.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: None shown.
Embarked for the Crimea aboard the H.T. "Medora" on the 27th of April 1854.
Said to have died at Balaclava and at Scutari, 30th of September 1854.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for the Alma (the roll for this also stating that he "Died at Scutari,") but he is not shown on the Sebastopol clasp roll.
Lummis and Wynn state that he died at Scutari on the 30th of September 1854, but the Quarterly Return (showing details of men no longer with the regiment) indicates at the bottom of the page his number, name, and "Died, Balaclava, 30th of September 1854." No other details are shown.