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The E.J. Boys Archive

Amended 14.5.11. Minor edits 17.2.2014.

1391 — Private Francis CAIN, 13th Light Dragoons

Birth & early life

Born at Mageradrol, near Ballinshough, Co. Down.


Enlisted at Dundalk on the 1st of December 1849.

Age: 19 years 6 months.

Height: 5' 7".

Trade: Farrier.

Features: Fresh complexion. Hazel eyes. Black hair.


He was shown on a nominal roll of men of the Regiment made out at the Cavalry Depot, Scutari on the 9th of November 1855 as being In Hospital there from the 24th of October.

Served Eupatoria.

He sent money from the Crimea to his father, Patrick Cain, living in Ballyhinch, Co. Down, Ireland.

Discharge & pension

Discharged from Newbridge on the 14th of October 1857 as:

"Unfit for further service. Labours under Phthisis Pulmonary — his disease is the result of constitutional pre-disposition and has probably been accelerated by service in the Crimea. Neither caused nor aggravated by vice or misconduct."

Conduct, "good". In possession of one Good Conduct badge.

Served 7 years 318 days. In Turkey and the Crimea, 2 years.

Aged 27 years 5 months on discharge.

His documents show his rank as "Farrier" but there is nothing to show when he attained this rank.

He was awarded a pension of 7d. per day for two years.

To live at Pembroke Dock, Pater, South Wales.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, and Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.

Death & burial

Died, in "Dr. Steven's Hospital" at Dublin, on the 10th of November 1857.

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