Born at Washfield, near Tiverton, Devon.
Enlisted at Westminster on the 13th of December 1854,
Age: 23.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: Cabinet-maker.
Features: Fresh complexion. Blue eyes. Auburn hair.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 21st of May 1855.
He was shown on a nominal roll of men of the Regiment made out at the Cavalry Depot, Scutari on the 9th of November 1855 as being In Hospital there from the 24th of October.
Discharged from Cahir on the 13th of November 1856:
"On the Reduction of the Army and not likely to become efficient. This man suffers from dysentery and this has lately called into action a phthisical tendency which he naturally had. He now has Tuberculosis in the upper part of the left lung and he has lost strength and flesh lately. Not ever likely to become efficient. Disease is due to natural pre-disposition and not aggravated by vice or misconduct. He is able to earn his own living."
Served 1 year 335 days. In Turkey and Crimea, 1 year.