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The E.J. Boys Archive

Amended 4.6.11. Edited, and new material added, 28.9.2013.

1402, Trumpeter Charles COLLINGWOOD — 13th Light Dragoons

Birth & early life

Born at Bangalore, India, 1836, son of 591, Private Charles Collingwood, 13th Light Dragoons, and his wife Anne.

By 1841 he had returned to England, and was by this time Troop Sergeant Major.

1841 Census

St Mary's Northgate, Canterbury Barracks, Kent.

Chas Collingwood, 30, Tp S. Major [Census, p8].

Anna Collingwood, 30, T.S. Major-wife [p9].

Chas Collingwood, 5, son [p9].

Death registered

Charles Collingwood [father] died in the March quarter of 1843 at Ipswich.

Charles Collingwood entered the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea on the 14th of July 1843, aged 7 years 2 months.

His father, Charles Collingwood of the 13th Light Dragoons, was shown as "Dead" at this time. His mother, Anne, was shown as "Still alive".


Enlisted at London on the 9th of May 1850, to "serve in the Band".

Age: 14.

Height: 4' 11".

Trade: None.


1851 Census

Piershill Barracks, Midlothian.

Charles T Collingwood, 15, Private Soldier, born Bangalore, East Indies.

To "Man's pay" (on attaining the age of 15 years) on the 7th of May 1851.

"Deserted" on the 8th of January 1854 and rejoined on the 30th of January. Tried by a Regtl. Court-martial on the 1st of February 1854 and sentenced to 28 days' imprisonment, with hard labour.

From Private to Corporal, 23rd of May 1855, the same day on which he landed at Balaclava on his way to join the regiment.

Tried by a District Court-martial on the 26th of October 1855 for "drunkenness" and awarded 40 lashes, of which 25 were remitted. He was also reduced to Private.

From Private to Trumpeter: 16th of November 1856.

Appointed to Trumpet-Major on the 30th of November 1858.

1861 Census

Piershill Barracks, Midlothian.

C J Collingwood, 24, Trmaker major [presumably Trumpet major], 13th Lt Dns, born Bangalore, East Indies.

Marriage registered

Charles Thomas Collingwood married Eliza McCarthy, March Quarter 1868, Hartley Wintney, Hants.

Originally enlisting for a term of 16 years' service, he was re-engaged for a further 12 years at Norwich on the 1st of March 1868.

Sent to the Depot at York when the regiment went to Canada, 1st of March 1866, and then to Kneller Hall.

Transferred to the Cape Mounted Rifles as Band-master on the 12th of June 1868, regimental number 881.

Joined the regiment at King Williamstown, South Africa, on the 8th of October 1868, accompanied by his wife. She is shown as "Elizabeth" in later rolls, but as "Sarah" in the first instance. Placed on the Regimental "married roll" from the 16th of November 1868.

Transferred to the pay list of the 1st Battalion, 9th Regiment. (However, this conflicts with the disbandment date.)

Died at King Williamstown, South Africa, on the 16th of May 1870.

The regiment was disbanded at Chichester, Sussex, on the 30th of June 1870.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol and the Turkish medal.

Death & burial

Died at King Williamstown, South Africa, on the 16th of May 1870.

References & acknowledgements

Registration of marriage, and Census information for 1841, 1851 & 1861, kindly provided by Chris Poole.

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