Born at Liverpool, c.1832.
Enlisted at Liverpool on the 24th of November 1854.
Age: 22.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: Farrier.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 21st of May 1855.
He was batman to Captain McLean, A.D.C. to General Lord Seaton, in 1859.
Promoted to Farrier (ranking as Sergeant) on the 1st of April 1860.
Confined, 5th-10th of September and reduced to Private by a Regimental Court-martial om the 11th of September 1861.
From Private to Shoeing Smith: 1st of July 1866.
Sent to the Depot at York on the 11th of September 1866.
Discharged, "time expired", from Canterbury on the 26th of November 1866.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.
Intended to live in Liverpool.