Born at Hacketstown, Co. Carlow, c.1825.
Enlisted into the 41st Foot at Cork on the 30th of September 1846. Regimental No. 2642.
Age: 21.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: Labourer.
Transferred to the 17th Lancers at Dublin on the 1st of October 1850.
Bounty of 1/15/6d. paid, being that of the cavalry over the infantry.
"Absent", 26th — 27th of May, and "In cells", 28-29th of May.
Embarked for the Crimea as one of a draft of seven men on the 24th of June 1854.
Invalided to England from Scutari aboard the "India" on the 13th of April 1855, and was at the Brighton Depot from the 16th of June.
Died in the Regimental Hospital of the 4th Light Dragoons at Brighton on the 15th of July 1856.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.
Died in the Regimental Hospital of the 4th Light Dragoons at Brighton on the 15th of July 1856.
Next of kin: Wife, Sarah Ann Fogerty, living in Nottingham.