Born c.1834.
Enlisted at London on the 23rd of September 1853.
Age: 19.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: None shown.
Tried by a District Court-martial — for an unknown offence — and placed in the Regimental "Cells" from the 26th of November 1853 — 4th of January 1854. In relation to this charge the following letter was sent:
"Horse Guards,
1st December 1854.
Sir, by the General Commanding-in-Chief's desire I have the honour to return to you the proceedings of the District Court-martial on the man specified in the margin and to intimate to you the following reasons why his Lordship cannot confirm the findings.
With regard to the first entrance of the charge 'Disgraceful Conduct' it is impossible to say what precise offence is alleged, but whatever the offence be, the evidence for the Prosecution does not warrant the Court finding the prisoner 'Guilty' in as such that it is quite inconsistent with its supposition of the prisoner's innocence, and in regard to the finding of the second instance of the charge it is irregular in that it finds the prisoner guilty of one or other of the acts of misconduct alleged, but omits to determine which of the two acts he be found guilty of. His Lordship is advised that this is of itself under the findings be illegal, but besides this, 'Dishonestly retaining in possession' is much too vague an allegation to furnish the subject of the charge of 'Disgraceful Conduct' or indeed, of any charge at all."
At Scutari General Hospital from the 14th of September 1854 and died there on the 8th of January 1855.
Entitled (according to the medal roll) to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol but this is contrary to other instances of men leaving the regiment on the 1st of October 1854 (the qualifying date).
At Scutari General Hospital from the 14th of September 1854 and died there on the 8th of January 1855.