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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 25.11.12.



1582, Private Denis FLANAGHAN — 4th Light Dragoons

Birth & early life

Born at Cloneagh, near Newcastle, Co. Limerick, c.1836.


Enlisted at Limerick on the 14th of January 1854.

Age: 18 years 2 months.

Height: 5' 9".

Trade: Labourer.

Appearance: Fresh complexion. Grey eyes. Brown hair.


Discharge & pension

Discharged from Edinburgh on the 1st of February 1866.

"Being prevented by disability from re-engaging for a further term of service — has albumen in his urine. Occurred in, but not by, the service, aggravated it is said by those of his detachment, by his intemperance, but it is fair to say that in the Regiment he bears a good reputation for sobriety. Is able to earn about half of his livelihood and likely to earn the whole..."

Served 12 years 18 days. In the Crimea from the 17th of July 1854 — May 1856.

Conduct and character: "a good soldier".

In possession of two Good Conduct badges.

Once entered in the Regimental Defaulter's book. Never tried by Court-martial.

To live, c/o. Mr. Keys, "Highgate," Southwood Lane, Middlesex.

Aged 30 years 3 months on discharge.

He was granted a pension of 8d. per day.


Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Inkerman and Sebastopol.

His Crimean medal, with four clasps, and a Turkish War Medal (Sardinian type) and named to "Corporal D. Flanaghan. 4th Light Dragoons." are known to be in the NAM. They were donated by a Mr. Flanaghan, probably a member of his greater family, in 1991,

Life after service

Death & burial

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, viainfo@chargeofthelightbrigade.com