Born in Dublin, c.1832.
Enlisted at London on the 20th of July 1852.
Age: 20.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: Tailor:
"Absent" from the 23rd of April 1854, but he is shown as being sent to Hounslow on the 30th of April 1854.
Tried by a Regtl. Court-martial of the 14th of June 1854 for "Desertion", and in a Military Prison until the 4th of September 1854, when he was again held in Regimental custody until the 6th of September.
In connection with his Court-martial the following letters were sent:
To Captain Holden, Commanding the 13th Light Dragoons at Brighton.
Horse Guards,
6th June 1854.
Sir, In reply to your letter of the 5th inst. relating to Private Gillman of the 13th Light Dragoons who deserted about the 23rd of April last, I have it in command to inform you that the evidence of the policeman who apprehended the prisoner will be sufficient to substantiate the charge of desertion as it appears from the accompanying description form that in the hearing of the policeman, Private George Gillman confessed himself to being a deserter, You will therefore be pleased to submit the usual application for a District [sic] Court-martial and the President of the Court will summon the policeman, George Costin, 243B. to attend on the day of the trial..."
To Captain Benson, Commanding the 17th Lancers, Brighton.
Horse Guards,
19th June 1854.
Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th inst. and to acquaint you in reply that the General Commanding-in-Chief approves of Private George Gillman of the 13th Light Dragoons being brought to trial by a District Court-martial which has been ordered to assemble at Brighton on Wednesday next, the 14th inst...
A third letter sent to Captain Benson from the Horse Guards stated:
Sir, Proceedings of the Court-martial confirmed and returned. The General Commanding-in-Chief has been pleased to remit three months of the imprisonment awarded to Private George Gillman of the 13th Light Dragoons..."
Joined the Regiment in the Crimea on the 3rd of August 1855.
Discharged, on the "Reduction of the Regiment and being of an indifferent character", from Cahir on the 4th of December 1856.
Served 2 years 91 days, to count.
Conduct and character: "Bad." Not in possession of any Good Conduct badges.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.