Born at Carlow, Ireland.
Enlisted at Carlow into the 19th Foot on the 4th of June 1842. Regimental No. 3619.
His name is shown as "Horahan" in the 19th Foot muster roll.
Age: 18.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: Labourer.
Appearance: Fresh complexion. Grey eyes. Brown hair.
Discharged from the 19th Foot at Dublin on the 31st of March 1843 and allowed to transfer to the 8th Hussars on the 1st of April 1843 — By Authority of the Horse Guards, dated the 15th of March 1843.
"In consequence of the left spermatic cord being varicose. Labours under the above, but not to extent of rendering him unfit for the duties of a soldier."
Embarked for the Crimea aboard the H.T. "Marinate" on the 19th of April 1854.
Taken prisoner-of-war at Balaclava.
Rejoined the regiment from Russian captivity on the 26th of October 1955.
Orderly to the "Dispenser of Medicine" during January to March of 1856.
Discharged from Dundalk on the 21st of October 1856:
"Reduction of the Army and most likely to become efficient — unfit for the duties of a dragoon in consequence of the left spermatic cord being varicose. Not caused by, but aggravated by service in the Crimea. The Colonel, Commanding Canterbury Depot reports that it is believed his horse was killed by a round-shot and in falling, injured Horan's legs, which were underneath."
Aged 32 years 6 months on discharge.
Served 12 years 138 days.
In Turkey and the Crimea: 1 year 10 months.
Conduct: "good.
In possession of two Good Conduct badges.
To live at Dorchester after discharge, but he was living in Manchester from the 20th of December 1862.
Awarded a pension of 8d. per day for three years, but this was made permanent from the 20th of December 1862.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, and Sebastopol.
Worked as an Osler in Hulme, Manchester after discharge.
Died at Manchester on the 26th of March 1867.
His death certificate shows that he died at 2, Towson Street, Hulme, Manchester, from "Cordis Anorexia."
An Ostler by occupation, he was 44 years of age, and a Mary Horan (possibly his wife, or sister) was present at, and the informant of his death. (There is copy in the 8th Hussar "Certificate's" file.)