Born c.1837.
Enlisted at London on the 21st of December 1854.
Age: 17.
Height: 5' 5".
Trade: None shown.
[Arrived in the Crimea some time after the Charge.]
Tried by a District Court-martial on the 6th of October 1855 for "being asleep on his post". Sentenced to 40 days' imprisonment, with hard labour.
Tried by a Court-martial at Hounslow on the 1st of April 1857 for "Leaving his post" and sentenced to 84 days' imprisonment, with hard labour.
1861 Census
Fulwood Barracks, Preston.
J James, unmarried, 26, Private Soldier 11th Hussars, born London Middlesex.
In a Military Prison, 1st of April — 30th of June 1867.
Died at Muttra, India, on the 8th of July 1868.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.
The Returned medal book states his Crimean and Turkish medal were returned to the Mint. No trace of issue.
The India Office records show him as dying at Muttra [Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, northern India] on the 8th of July 1868 from "Insolata", aged 31 years. He was buried on the 9th of July by the Revd. W. Simpson.
[PB: I have not found any references to "insolata" — presumably sunstroke?]
Census information for 1861 kindly provided by Chris Poole.