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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 21.10.2011. Further information added 25.3.2014 and 8.12.2020


1403, Private Henry JEWELL — 11th Hussars

Birth & early life

Born at Walthamstow, London, c.1829.


Enlisted at Hounslow on the 13th of October 1848.

Age: 19.

Height: 5'7".

Trade: Groom.


Wounded in action at Balaclava, 25th October 1854.

He was sent to Scutari on the 29th of October 1854 and thence to England on the 24th of March 1855.

Discharge & pension

Discharged, "by claim, time expired", from Manchester on the 13th of October 1860.

Served 11 years 364 days.

In Turkey and the Crimea: 1 year 10 months.

Conduct: "good".

In possession of two Good Conduct badges.


Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, and Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.


Attended the first Balaclava Banquet in 1875.

Member of the Balaclava Commemoration Society in 1877 and 1879.

Life after service

1871 Census

[No number shown] North Street, Winkfield, Berks.

Henry Jewell, 40, Coachman, born Walthamstow.

Martha, 46, Laundress, born Hampton.

1881 Census

[No number shown] Summer Road, East Molesey.

The 1881 Census shows him as aged 50, a Groom (Domestic Servant) born at Walthamstow, Essex, with his wife, Martha, born at Hampton, 56, a Laundress. A niece, aged 8, was also living with them.

1891 Census

4 Summer Road, East Molesey.

Martha Jewell, widow, 60, born Hampton.

And two Lodgers.

Death & burial

Deaths registered

Henry Jewell, aged 52, June Quarter 1883, Kingston.

Martha Jewell, aged 76, March Quarter 1901, Kingston.

He died on the 26th of June 1883 and was buried in St. Peter's churchyard at West Molesey, Surrey. The grave is situated on the left hand side of the path directly behind the small chapel in the cemetery grounds. This is reached by a lane directly to the right of St. Peter's church.

Henry and Martha Jewell's headstone in St Peter's West Molesey. Photograph by EJB (date unknown — 1980s?).

[PB: this image is from the negative. Check if there is a better positive.]

(Click on image to enlarge)

"In loving memory of Henry Jewell, late of the 11th Hussars and 'One of the Six Hundred', who died June 26th 1883, aged 52 years. 'His end was peace.'

Also Martha Jewell, widow of the above, who died February 12th 1901, aged 76 years."

There is a copy of his funeral report, taken from the Surrey Comet, 30th of June 1883, in the 11th Hussar file. [TO BE ADDED]

Portsmouth Evening News, 30 June 1883

(Click on image to enlarge)

West Surrey Times, 30 June 1883

Notice that he was a Forester — a friendly society formed in 1834 as the Ancient Order of Foresters (now called the Foresters Friendly Society). See e.g.Wikipedia: Foresters Friendly Society.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Further information

Roy Dutton, Forgotten Heroes, p.167:

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References & acknowledgements

Additional information about membership of the Balaclava Commemoration Society in 1877, Census information for 1871 and 1891, death registrations, and two newspaper reports of HJ's funeral kindly provided by Chris Poole.

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, viainfo@chargeofthelightbrigade.com