Born at Ballincollig, Ireland.
Enlisted at Dublin on the 11th of November 1845.
Age: 14 years 3 months.
Height: 4' 8".
Trade: None.
Shown as in the "Band" from 1846 onwards. He was the only "Boy" in the regiment at this time.
Attained the age of 15 years and on to "Man's pay" on the 2nd of August 1846.
From Private to Trumpeter: 24th of August 1849.
Sent to the "Service Troops" from the Brighton Depot on the 28th of May 1855.
When he died (see below) he was shown as having a wife, Rebecca Kidby. From this he was probably married at Brighton, without authority, some time after April 1854.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 20th of June 1855.
Died, "in the Regimental Hospital", on the 26th of June 1855.
His next of kin was then shown as his father, William Kidby, living in Dublin, but he is also shown as having a wife, Rebecca Kidby.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Died, "in the Regimental Hospital", on the 26th of June 1855.
His next of kin was then shown as his father, William Kidby, living in Dublin, but he is also shown as having a wife, Rebecca Kidby.