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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 26.11.12.


1633 James MILLINGTON — 4th Light Dragoons

Birth & early life

Born in the City Parish, Canterbury, c.1823.


Enlisted at Glasgow into the 15th Hussars on the 25th of February 1839, his regimental number being 632.

Age: 16 years 2 months.

Height: 5' 6".

Trade: Labourer.

Appearance: Fresh complexion. Hazel eyes. Brown hair,

Tried by a Regimental Court-martial on the 13th of April 1843 and sentenced to 20 days solitary confinement.

Transferred to the 4th Light Dragoons on the 1st of November 1854.

Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 28th of April 1855.

Confined from the 22nd of 0ctober 1855, tried by a District Court-martial for "drunkenness" on the 24th of October 1855 and awarded 25 lashes. (The Court-martial book states "Given 25 lashes," but his documents state 50.)

Tried by a Regimental Court-martial at Aldershot and imprisoned for "drunkenness" from the 21st of January — 21st of March 1858.

Discharge & pension

Discharged from Dundalk on the 25th of April 1865.

"Own request, free, after 24 years' service."

Served 24 years 19 days. In the Crimea, 1 year 1 month

In India: 14 years 9 months.

Conduct: " a good soldier".

In possession of one Good Conduct badge.

Eight times entered in the Regimental Defaulters' book. Three times tried by Court-martial.

To live in Bridge Street, Brigg, Lincolnshire, after discharge.

Documents confirm the award of the Crimean and Turkish medals.


Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.

Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.


Life after service

Death & burial

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, viainfo@chargeofthelightbrigade.com