Born at Thornford, near Sherborne, Dorset, c.1836, the son of Arthur Moore, an Agricultural Labourer, and his wife, Martha.
Enlisted at Dorchester on the 4th of January 1855. He had previously served in the Dorset Militia from the 23rd of October 1852. Regimental No. 488.
Age: 19 years 7 months.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: Labourer.
Appearance: Fair complexion. Hazel eyes. Sandy hair.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 14th of June 1855.
Transferred to the 17th Lancers at Aldershot on the 1st of September 1857. Regimental No. 64.
Embarked for India from Cork aboard the S.S. "Great Britain" on the 8th of October 1857.
From Private to Shoeing-smith: 1st of June 1865.
"Absent." Tried by a Regimental Court-martial, imprisoned 10th-27th of July 1865 and reduced to Private.
From Private to Shoeing-Smith: 27th of September 1865.
Tried by a Regimental Court-martial for "disobedience of orders". Reduced to Private and imprisoned 17th-31st of January 1871.
From Private to Shoeing-Smith: 1st of February 1871.
Discharged from Canterbury on the 6th of September 1872.
"Unfit for further service. Has valvular disease of the heart. Came on insidiously and was first noticed at Cork on the 18th of July of this year. Probably caused by military service. Suffers from shortness of breath and palpitation of the heart at the slightest exertion. Will be able to contribute but little towards his earning a livelihood. Not aggravated by vice or misconduct."
Served 17 years 186 days. In the Crimea, 1 year
In India: 7 years 3 months.
Conduct: "fair".
In possession of one Good Conduct badge. Three times tried by Court-martial.
Aged 37 years 2 months on discharge.
To live in Thornford, near Sherborne, Dorset.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Mutiny medal without clasp.
Served at Rajghur with Captain William Gordon.
Named as "Frederick" Moore on the 17th Lancer Mutiny roll.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.