Born at Clare, Suffolk, c.1833.
Enlisted at Westminster on the 23rd of April 1854.
Age: 21.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: Farrier.
Sallow complexion. Blue eyes. Dk. brown hair.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 29th of April 1855.
Embarked for India from Cork aboard the S.S. "Great Britain" on the 8th of October 1857.
Appointed to Farrier (ranking as Sergeant) on the 7th of September 1860.
Invalided to England in January of 1861.
Discharged from Chatham Invalid Depot on the 24th of December 1861, as:
"Unfit for further service. Has heart disease — not subject to palpitation before he enlisted. Disease first visible in India, where he suffered from intermittent fever. Marks of blistering in region of liver."
Served 7 years 204 days.
In Turkey and the Crimea: 1 year
In India: 2 years 6 months.
Conduct: "good".
In possession of one Good Conduct badge when promoted.
To live in Barking, Essex, but was living in Winchester in 1867.
Aged 28 years 7 months on discharge.
Documents confirm the award of the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol and the Mutiny medal with clasp for Central India.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Mutiny medal with clasp for Central India.
Served at Kotah and Gwalior.
Awarded a initial pension of 7d. per day for a period of two years, but this was renewed on a "conditional" basis until the 13th of February 1867 when it was made "3 months final." A further application was refused,
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.