Born at Northampton.
Enlisted at London on the 4th of December 1854.
Age: 21.
Height: 5' 9".
Trade: Clerk.
Embarked for the Crimea on the 28th of May and joined the regiment on the 20th of June 1855.
Letter relating to him, and another man from the regiment sent to the Military College, Sandhurst:
"Horse Guards,
9th January 1857:
"Sir, — By the desire of the General Commanding-in-Chief I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo and to acquaint you that His Royal Highness has been pleased to select the men named in the margin for the Riding Troop about to be formed at the Military College, at Sandhurst and to request you that you will hold them in readiness to proceed to Sandhurst early in the ensuing weeks according to the route which you will receive from the QuarterMasters Department.
I am, etc., etc.
G.A. Weatherall, DAG."
Similar letters were sent to the Officers Commanding the 8th Hussars, 11th Hussars, 13th Light Dragoons and the 17th Lancers, listing the names of the men selected.
Transferred to the 2nd Dragoon Guards at Cahir on the 31st of December 1856. Regimental No. 265.
To India aboard the "Non Such", arriving on the 25th of November 1857.
From Private to Corporal: 24th of January 1858.
Corporal to Sergeant: 1st of August 1858:
"In confinement", 1st — 8th of September. Tried by a Regimental Court-martial on the 13th of September 1858 and reduced to Private.
From Private to Corporal: 30th of April 1860.
Transferred to the 19th Hussars on the 1st of December 1861. Regimental No. 273.
Transferred to the "Un-attached List" at Benares, India, on the 25th of February 1867.
At Barrackpore, 1st of January — 31st of March 1867.
Served at Newabgungee and at Koorsee.
Died at Benares [PB: now usually called Varanasi, Northern India], 14th August 1869.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.
Mutiny medal with clasp for Lucknow.
WO/25/3287 states, "Dead", but there is no indication of when or where.
The Un-attached List muster for Madras shows him as dying at Benares on the 14th of August 1869, from an "Abscess of the Liver", at the age of 34 years. He was then shown as being 5' 6" in height, with a fresh complexion, hazel eyes and brown hair. He was employed as a Barrack Sergeant at the time of his death.