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The E.J. Boys Archive

Further information added 28.9.12.

761, Private Richard RIGBY — 11th Hussars

Birth & early life

Born in Stepney, London.


Enlisted at Maidstone on the 17th of May 1833.

Trade: Groom.

No other enlistment details are shown.


Embarked for India on the 27th of June 1835.

From Private to Corporal: 1st of January 1837.

Reduced to Private by a Regimental Court-martial on the 11th of July 1839.

1851 Census

Pockthorpe Cavalry Barracks, Norwich.

Richard Rigby, aged 36, married, Private, born Stepney, London.

From Private to Corporal: 18th of October 1854.

The muster roll for the October-December quarter of 1854 shows him as "General's batman."

To England on the 9th of December 1854, being later shown as on the Depot roll at Newbridge.

Shown as "Orderly to the Earl of Cardigan" from the 1st of July 1856.

Death & burial

Died on the 30th of September 1859 (not shown where) but only as "Whilst Orderly to Major-General the Earl of Cardigan."

Death registration

According to St. Catherine's House records a "Richard Rigby" died at Oundle, Northamptonshire, during the September-December quarter of 1859.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Inkerman and Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.

Further detailed medal information archived.

References & acknowledgements

Census information for 1851 kindly provided by Chris Poole.

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, via info@chargeofthelightbrigade.com