Born in Birmingham, Warwickshire.
Enlisted at Westminster on the 17th of September 1850.
Age: 27.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: Gun-smith.
Appearance: Fresh complexion. Dk. grey eyes. Dk. brown hair.
From Private to Armourer Sergeant on the 18th of September 1850.
Employed in the Regimental Stores at Balaclava during January-March of 1855. Re-engaged for 12 years further service on the 18th of September 1862.
Invalided from India to England on the 21st of February 1870.
Transferred to the Corps of Armourers and employed at the Maidstone Depot, from the 1st of June 1870.
Discharged from Aldershot on the 2nd of October 1871, as "Having completed a service of 21 years and qualified for pension."
Served 21 years 3 days.
In Turkey and the Crimea: 2 years 1 month
In India: 3 years 4 months.
Conduct: "very good". Not in possession of any Good Conduct badges when promoted, but would now have had five.
Never entered in the Regimental Defaulters' book. Never tried by Court-martial.
Aged 48 years on discharge.
Intended to live at 30, Legge Street, Birmingham.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sebastopol and the Turkish medal.
Documents confirm the award of the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman and S, also the Turkish Medal and the silver medal for Long service and Good conduct.
Awarded the Long Service & Good Conduct medal on the 18th of July 1870.
Awarded the Meritorious Service Medal on the 5th of December 1888, with an annuity of £10.
1871 Census
36, Legg Street, Birmingham.
Charles Robinson, aged 46, Gun Smith, born Birmingham.
Betsey Robinson, 44, born Birmingham.
1881 Census
4, Mansfield Square. Kings Norton, Worcestershire.
The 1881 Census Returns show him as a Chelsea Pensioner, aged 57, born at Birmingham, with his wife, Betsy, 55, also born in Birmingham.
A General Domestic Servant was kept.
1891 Census
21, Transport Road, Kings Norton, Balsall Heath.
Charles Robinson, aged 67, Pensioner, born Birmingham.
Betsey Robinson, 65, born Birmingham.
A servant is also shown, born Birmingham.
Documents returned to the War Office on the 10th of January 1899.
Deaths registered
Charles Robinson, aged 77, June Quarter 1900, Kings Norton.
Betsy Robinson, 74, June Quarter 1900, Kings Norton.
[CP: Notice that their deaths occurred at a similar time.]
His death certificate shows that he died, aged 77 years, on the 20th of June 1900, at 132, Brighton Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, a "Gunmaker, Retired" from "Senile Decay, Heart Disease."
Maude [surname illegible], a granddaughter, of the same address, was present at his death.
There is a copy of the death certificate in the 11th Hussars "Certificates" file.
The M.S.M. roll shows him as dying on the 20th of June 1900.
Census information for 1871 and 1891, and death registrations for Charles and Betsy Robinson, kindly provided by Chris Poole.