Born in Malta.
Enlisted at Dublin into the 7th Hussars on the 12th of February 1838. Regimental No. 571.
Age: 18.
Height: 5' 10".
Trade: Carpenter.
Transferred to the 4th Light Dragoons on the 1st of April 1846.
From Private to Corporal: 1st of April 1847.
Corporal to Sergeant: 14th of September 1850.
At Scutari, 4th-24th of April 1855.
Appointed to Troop Sergeant Major on the 1st of December 1855.
Reduced to Sergeant (no reason shown), on the 16th of October 1856.
Tried by Court-martial at Aldershot on the 1st of September 1857 for "Embezzlement:", and found "Not guilty."
Letter from the Horse Guards, dated the 5th of September 1857 to the Officer Commanding the 4th Light Dragoons, Aldershot:
Sir, — I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th inst, and to acquaint you in reply that there is no objection to Sergeant Redding volunteering to the 17th Lancers from the Regiment under your command providing that he is fit for active service. I am to add that the application should have been made to the General Officer under whom you are serving according the rules of the Service,
I have, etc. etc.,
W.A. Forster, AAG.
Volunteered into the 17th Lancers on the 1st of October 1857. Regimental No. 50.
Embarked for India from Cork aboard the S.S. "Great Britain " on the 8th of October 1857.
Sick, and en route for Bombay, on the 1st of November 1861.
Served in the field at Rajghur with Captain William Gordon.
Embarked for England on the 15th of February 1862.
Died, "during the voyage home", on the 8th of March 1862.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Inkerman and Sebastopol.
Mutiny medal without clasp.
The Returned Medal Book state: "Mutiny medal sent to the Mint. No trace of issue."