Born at Shrewsbury.
Enlisted at London on the 26th of November 1838.
No other enlistment details apart from his trade as a smith are shown.
Returned to England aboard the "Mary" on the 12th of March 1842, having left Bombay on the 13th of December 1841.
Slightly wounded in action at Balaclava.
Sent to Scutari on the 26th of October 1854 and did not rejoin the regiment until the 11th of May 1855.
Discharged on the "Reduction of the Regiment," from Brighton on the 23rd of April 1857.
Served 18 years 1 day, to count,
Conduct and character: "good".
In possession of two Good Conduct badges.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for the Alma, Balaclava and Sebastopol.
Member of the Balaclava Commemoration Society in 1879.
[PB: George McGregor 4LD says in a letter to the Northern Daily Telegraph, 4 May 1889, that Thomas Rodgers [sic] is currently an inmate of the Withington Workhouse, Manchester, and deserves better. TR appears not to have been in Chorlton (= Withington?) in 1881 (]