James Rawlins was born in Thorverton, near Exeter, Devon, on the 19th of April 1832, the son of James Rawlings, a Labourer, and his wife Charlotte. He was baptised James Bray Rawlings on the 20th of July 1834.
James Rawlins died [LC says of heart disease] on the 6th of June 1907.
St Catherine's House records show that a "James Bray Rawlins" died in the Thirsk District [of North Yorkshire] during the April-June Quarter of 1907, aged 75 years.
Death registered
James Bray Rawlins [sic], June Quarter 1907, Thirsk.
He was buried with his wife, Ellen [nee Milburn], in grave No. 570 in the Town Cemetery at Thirsk. This has a memorial stone of three plinths surmounted by a cross and bears the inscription:
In loving memory of Sergeant-Major James Rawlins, born 19th April 1832 - Died 6th June 1907.
Served in the Crimean War and was present at Sebastopol, Inkerman, Alma and Balaclava.
One of the Noble Six Hundred and served in the Indian Mutiny 1857-58. 17 years in C. Troop, Yorkshire Hussars.
Also of Ellen, wife of the above, Born 20th May 1839 - Died 10th December 1915."
[PB: Notice the reference to his participation in the Charge.]
[PB: Add photographs of his grave and headstone etc].