Enlisted at Cavan on the 7th of December 1843.
Age: 21.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: Labourer.
Embarked for the Crimea aboard the H.T. "Medora" on the 27th of April 1854.
Tried by a District Court-martial on the 5th of April 1855 for "being drunk when on guard,."
Given 50 lashes and awarded stoppage of pay of 1d. per day for 30 days.
Tried by a District Court-martial on the 26th of September 1855 for "Disgraceful Conduct: theft."
Given 50 lashes and to lose "all of his past service."
Tried by a District Court-martial at Ismid for "Theft" on the 20th of February 1856 and sentenced to 168 days imprisonment, with hard labour. 36 days of this sentence were remitted.
Sent to the Depot at Canterbury when the Regiment went to India. 1st of October 1857.
Died at the Canterbury Depot on the 7th of January 1858.
A number of children were born to men of the name of Reilly between 1849 and 1854: Thomas, at Newbridge in 1849, Christopher at Isleworth in 1852, Michael F. at Nottingham in 1852, James at Kildare in 1854, and Mary A. at Newbridge in 1854.
See the records of 868 John Reilly and also those of 619 Edward Reilly and 917 Michael Reilly.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Lummis and Wynn state "Name not on medal roll," but he is to be found on the Sebastopol clasp list.
Further detailed medal information archived