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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 16.12.12


1302, Private George ROBERTS — 8th Hussars

Birth & early life

Born in the parish of St. Julian's, Norwich. (Another source says this was Leeds.)


Enlisted at Leeds into the 7th Hussars on the 6th of December 1854 with the Regtl, No, of 1424..

Age: 22.

Height: 5' 6".

Trade: Weaver.

Dark complexion. Blue eyes. Dk. brown hair.


Transferred, at his own request, into the 8th Hussars on the 31st of December 1854, (See record of 1451 Edward Boocock.)

Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 29th of April 1855.

Discharge & pension

Discharged from Dundalk on the 23rd of February 1857.

"Reduction of the Army and not likely to become efficient. Bad constitution — worthless as a soldier. Has chronic ulcers on right leg caused by service in Turkey and the Crimea..."

Served 2 years 329 days.

In Turkey and the Crimea: 215 days.

Conduct: "Indifferent." Not in possession of any Good Conduct badges.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.

Aged 23 years 10 months on discharge.

Awarded a pension of 6d. per day for six months, "final."

To live in Deptford, London.

Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.

Life after service

Death & burial

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