Born at Derby.
Enlisted at Hounslow on the 20th of October 1841.
Age: 19.
Height: 5' 8".
Trade: Moulder.
Died, "on the Heights before Sebastopol", on the 22nd of November 1854.
Next of kin: Mother, Ann Smith, living at Barrow Hill, Derby.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Extract, dated 15th of November 1854, from the "Memoirs" of R.S.M. George Loy Smith, published in 1987 under the title "A Victorian R.S.M.":
"During the morning I went over to the hospital tents to see my men who were sick.
Poor Dan Smith was in a dying state, he said, "Ah, Sergeant-Major, the grapes were the cause of this. No man, I think, ate more grapes than I did, but I always took good care to swallow neither stones nor skins, so I felt they did me more good than harm."