Born in the parish of St. John's, Birmingham, on the 22nd of March 1801.
No baptismal entry for him can be found, but he was almost certainly the son of a Sergeant John Stephenson of the 17th Lancers.
Sergeant John Stephenson, 17th Lancers [father?]
John Stephenson is mentioned in both the Regimental History and in the book by D.H. Parry, "The Death or Glory Boys", as having distinguished himself in Jamaica during the operations against the Maroons in 1795. It would appear that a party of 30 men of the 17th Lancers and another ten from an infantry regiment, were surprised by the Maroons, who shot down a number, including the officer (not of the 17th) who, disabled by his wound, handed over the command to Sergeant Stephenson."Rallying his men, he counter-attacked the Maroons, and routed them. Offered a commission in the infantry for his gallantry on this occasion, he followed the advice of several of his officers (and perhaps from his own feelings as well) and turned it down, but the hoped-for promotion in his own regiment never came."
The Regimental History calls him a Sergeant Major (however, there was no one of the rank in the regiment at the time) and Parry, in "The Death or Glory Boys", as a Sergeant. There were no others by the name of Stephenson serving in the regiment at this time.
Sergeant John Stephenson was serving in Captain Christopher Johnson's Troop at Manchester in connection with the civil disturbances there in March of 1801. Two troops had gone there from Birmingham. He went to Wigan on recruiting duties later that same year.
Sergeant Stephenson had enlisted on the 7th of March 1793 and died at Bombay, India, on the 27th of January 1813, after being sick in hospital there during the previous month. He probably died of the fever epidemic which took the lives of four officers and 73 men of the 17th during the four months from October of 1812 to the January of 1813.
The "Wills and Effects Disposal Book" for the regiment shows John Stephenson (senior) as being born in Belfast, a labourer by trade before enlistment and dying at Bombay on the 26th of January 1813.
His credits of £1/5/8d were "willed and handed over to his son" (name not shown.) He was then serving in Captain Philip Teesdale's Troop. Another record made out in regimental order of men "Fit for Foreign Service" in April of 1806 confirms his date of enlistment and states that he was appointed Sergeant on the 28th of March 1798.
EJB: Some further evidence as to John Stephenson's ancestry comes from a manuscript history now in the Regimental Museum, on which Cannon's "Historical Record of the 17th Lancers" was based. It gives certain references and details which Cannon did not publish. Against the 1795 entry it has "Memories of Lieutenant-Colonel Oswald Werge — United Services Journal., 1832" noted as its source, while someone has underlined the name of Sergeant Stephenson in the text in pencil and written in the margin, "Paymaster Stephenson's father".
Enlisted at Kaira, India, (Headquarters of the Regiment) on the 18th of February 1814 at the age of 13 years, into Captain Jonathan Willington's Troop.
Appointed to Trumpeter: 15th of August 1816.
Promoted to Trumpet-Major: 15th of June 1820.
Appointed to Troop Sergeant Major on the 14th of November 1826, his Regimental number then being shown as 12.
Promoted to Regimental Sergeant Major on the 4th of January 1839.
To Cornet and Adjutant in the 17th Lancers (without purchase) on the 16th of February 1844.
Lieutenant, 17th Lancers: 25th of September 1844.
To the 16th Lancers, and on to half-pay: 19th of February 1847.
Paymaster in the 17th Lancers: 30th of April 1847.
Paymaster at the Cavalry Depot, Canterbury, from the 8th of September 1857. (His surety at this time was shown as Mrs. Camilla Walker, No. 22 St. George's Place, Canterbury, Kent.)
Honorary Major: 1st of April 1860.
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel: 8th of September 1870.
On to half-pay: 28th of September 1870. (This was on the closing down of the Canterbury Cavalry Depot.
It would appear that he married three times, the first being most probably in Ireland while still in the ranks. as his first recorded children were shown as being born before his first recorded marriage, that to Ellen Lawrence at St. Mary's Church, Nottingham on the 9th of April 1844. He was then 43 and she 28 years of age.
The ceremony was conducted by the Revd. William Bathurst and the witnesses were Isaac Newton Lawrence and James E. Burler. Later, on the 3rd of July 1856, he married Mary Trussell at St. Pancras Church, London. Both were shown as being "of full age", he as a widower and she as a spinster. His father was then shown as John Stephenson and hers as John Trussell. Both fathers were shown as "Dead."
The officiating priest was the Revd. G.E. Andrews, C. of E., and the witnesses were M. Buckeridge and one of John Stephenson's sons, John Harker. (A Mary Stephenson (of Dover) aged 80 years, was buried in the Canterbury Garrison Cemetery on the 22nd June 1876, aged 80, and possibly his wife.)
Children known from this first marriage were:
Thomas Harker, born 11th of February 1829 at Dundalk.
John Harker, born 18th of November 1836, at Norwich.
Harker George, born 7th of June 1838, at Norwich.
Rose Ellen, born 6th of August 1840, at Cahir.
Potter William, born 17th of November 1841, at Edinburgh.
Marriage registered [2nd]
John Stephenson to Ellen Lawrance [sic], June Quarter 1844, Nottingham.
Children known from this second marriage were:
Frances L., born 18th of February 1845, at Hounslow.
Birth registered
Frances Lawrance Stephenson, March Quarter 1845, Brentford.
Ellen L., born 28th of May 1846, at Witney. (An Ellen Augusta Laurance Stephenson was buried in the Canterbury Garrison Cemetery on the 21st of August 1863, aged 16 years.)
Thomas Harker Stephenson enlisted into the 17th Lancers as No. 664 on the 4th of February 1841. He was shown as born at Dundalk (attaining the age of 15 years and on to "Man's Pay" on the 5th of February 1844) and having "no Trade".
He was appointed Orderly Room Clerk (from Private) on the 3rd of April 1846, and then ranking as a Sergeant went to "Duty Sergeant" on the 28th of May 1850.
"In hospital" from the 1st of July 1850 until his death at Newbridge on the 21st of October 1850.
He left no will, his credits of £11/8/2d. being paid over to his father, Paymaster J. Stephenson, "with the Regiment.")
Marriage registered [3rd marriage]
John Stephenson married Mary Trussell, September Quarter 1856, Pancras.
1861 Census
Borough of Longport, Canterbury.
John Stephenson, 60, Major & Paymaster Canterbury depot, born Birmingham
Mary Stephenson, 50, born Purleigh, Essex
Harker G Stephenson, 22, Clerk, born Dublin
Rosa E Stephenson, 19, born Ireland
Frances L Stephenson, 16, born Hounslow
Two servants are also shown.
Paymaster Stephenson served with the 17th Lancers in India from February of 1814 until 1823, including the campaign of 1816-17 against the Pindarees. Also the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affair of the Bulganak, the battles of the Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman (as Acting Adjutant), and the Siege and fall of Sebastopol. (Medal and Clasps.)
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sebastopol and the Turkish Medal.
Received the Reward for Distinguished and Meritorious Service in 1870.
1871 Census
Longport, St Paul, Canterbury
John Stephenson, 70, retired Colonel, born Birmingham
Mary Stephenson, 60, born Purleigh, Essex
Rosa Stephenson, unmarried, [age?], born Cahir, Ireland
Francis Lawrence Stephenson, 26, Surgeon, born Hounslow
Three servants are also shown.
Marriage registered
Francis Lawrance [sic] Stephenson [son] married Grace Amelia Furlong, September Quarter 1872, S. Stoneham.
Died at 7 Langport, Canterbury, on the 10th of May 1873, aged 72 years.
Death registered
John Stephenson, aged 72, June Quarter 1873, Canterbury.
His arrears of pension were paid to his wife.
From the "Obituary" column of the "Kent Gazette", 20th of May 1873:
"Lt. Colonel John Stephenson, late Paymaster of the Cavalry Depot, Canterbury and formerly of the 17th Lancers, died on the 10th of May at Langport, Canterbury.
Extract from the "Kentish Observer", 26th of May 1873:
"Death of Colonel Stephenson"
"Lieutenant-Colonel John Stephenson, late Paymaster of the Cavalry Dept, Canterbury, died at Langport on the 10th inst. in his 73rd year and was buried on Friday last in the Military burial ground at Canterbury. The deceased officer had served with the 17th Lancers in India from 1814 to 1823, also in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, for the battles of the Alma, Inkerman and the siege and fall of Sebastopol. He had also received the Reward for Distinguished and Meritorious Services."
He was most probably buried in the Military portion of St. Gregory's churchyard at Canterbury, of which nothing but a few stones now remain, having been made (post-WWII) into a children's playground.
The Cathedral Archives, which holds the registers for St. Gregory's, does not include that for the military extension. There was also another cemetery behind the "Royal Dragoon" public house in Military Road, now partly destroyed by road widening and being made into a pub "garden". Here again, only a few stones remain, none of which are legible. Both were in the area of the Barracks.
The Canterbury Garrison Cemetery records, now in the PRO, show him as having been buried there on the 16th of May 1872, aged 72 years.
1881 Census
Earlsland House, Bradninch, Devon.
Francis L Stephenson [son] 36 Med Officer of Health, private, born Hounslow.
Grace A Stephenson, 30.
Mother in law and two other family members shown.
4 servants are also shown.
1891 Census
44 Hill Street, Woolwich
Francis l Stephenson, married, 46, Medical practitioner, Registered, born Hounslow
Two servants are also shown.
Aubrey Villa, Southampton Road, Fareham
Grace A Stephenson, visiting sister, 36, married, born Boulogne, France
1901 Census
44 Hill Street, Woolwich
Frankb [sic] L Stephenson, 56, Medical Practioner Surg. Reg., b. Hounslow
Grace A Stephenson, 48, b. France
A niece and two servants are also shown.
1911 Census
51 Hill Street, Woolwich
Francis Stephenson [son], 66, Registered Med. Practitioner, Hounslow
Grace Stephenson, 58, born France
[Note: "married 38 years"]
Three servants (including a nurse) are also shown.
[CP: the form was signed Frank L Stephenson.]
Deaths registered
Francis l Stephenson [son], aged 75 June Quarter 1920, I. Wight.
Grace A Stephenson [daughter-in-law], 81, March Quarter 1932, I. Wight.
Additional marriage, birth and death registrations, and Census information for 1861-1911, kindly provided by Chris Poole.