Born at Barnstaple, Devonshire.
Enlisted at Exeter on the 6th of January 1844.
Age: 19.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: Tailor.
In Lewes Gaol from the 1st of December 1856 — 8th of February 1857, and again 5th-9th of March 1857.
He was Regimental School Orderly during 1861-62.
Died at Canterbury on the 12th of April 1868.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, and Sebastopol.
Died at Canterbury on the 12th of April 1868.
In his will he left £68/18/2 to his father, John Saltern, living at High Bickerton, Devon. His four-clasp Crimean medal and his Turkish medal were also sent to his father.
The Canterbury Garrison Cemetery records now in the PRO show him as being buried in the Military Cemetery there on the 15th of April 1868 from the "Military Hospital", aged 43 years, The service was conducted by the Revd. C.J. Hoar.