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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 26.11.12. Minor edits 2.4.14, 4.4.14.


1569 Ambrose SHEMMING — 4th Light Dragoons

Birth & early life

Born at Woodbridge, Suffolk, and was baptised there on the 2nd of November 1824, the son of Ambrose Shemming and his wife, Mary Ann, nee Sparrow. His parents were married at Woodbridge on the 1st of January 1823.

Enlisted into the 3rd Light Dragoons at Norwich on the 4th of January 1841.

Age: 18.

Height: 5' 6".

Trade: Servant.

Transferred to the 4th Light Dragoons on the 1st of July 1853.

Sent to Scutari on the 28th of November 1854 and invalided to England on the 31st of March 1855.

Died at Aldershot on the 16th of October 1857.

Next of kin: Harriet Shemming. With the Regiment. He left no will, his credits of 15/3d. being "handed over to his widow."

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Inkerman and Sebastopol.

Punjab medal with clasp for Chilianwala.

The medal roll shows him as being also entitled to the Sutlej medal with clasps for Moodkee, Ferozeshuhur and Sobraon. He was wounded in action at Ferozeshuhur on the 21st of December 1845.

On the 8th of October 1853 Colonel George Paget sent a request to the East India Company's medallists for a replacement Sutlej medal with clasps for Moodkee, Ferozeshuhur and Sobraon to be sent to him "Free, in lieu of one lost on a Field Day..." This medal was sent to the Treasury on the 6th of April 1854.

Although he was serving in the 4th Light Dragoons in September 1842 he is shown on the muster rolls of the period as being at Landour. This was a Depot. There are no rolls extant for the Cabul medal and no way of knowing if he was entitled to it.

Further detailed medal information archived.

Life after service

Death & burial

He was buried in Aldershot Military Cemetery, the grave being a common one and no stone was erected. (See photograph of the grave-site in the 11th Hussar file, his being one of the mounds in the centre of the picture.

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