Born at Preston, Lancashire.
Enlisted at Manchester on the 6th of December 1854.
Age: 20.
Height: 5' 6.
Trade: Labourer.
Tried by a District Court-martial on the 2nd of March 1856 for "being asleep at his post." He was awarded 56 days' imprisonment, with hard labour, of which 28 days were remitted.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 14th of June 1855.
Discharged, "invalided", from Edinburgh on the 26th of March 1867.
Served 7 years 119 days.
Conduct," good".
In possession of one Good Conduct badge.
Awarded a pension of 7d. per day.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.
Lived in Manchester after discharge.
Extracts from the "Historical Papers of the 4th Hussars":
Horse Guards. 25th March 1867 — Remarks of H.R.H. relative to Men discharged when in possession of a Good Conduct badge. H.R.H. entirely approves of the view taken on the subject by the O.C. 4th Hussars, and of your recommendation...
Very Pressing — Received 26th of March. The Adjutant General is directed to forward the enclosed parchment Certificate of Discharge, confirmed for the 26th inst. to the General Officer Commanding, at Edinburgh...
4th Hussars, 1732 Private A. Smith — It was overlooked at the time that this man's Documents were confirmed that he was in possession of one Good Conduct badge, and the Field Marshal Commanding-in-Chief has decided that no soldier, when in possession of the Distinguishing Mark should be discharged without a character, but should be given either a "Good" or a "Latterly Good" character."
[PB, Jan 2014: Wendy Leahy states:]
p>PENSION DISTRICT: 1867: Manchester 1
[Source: (accessed 8.1.2014).]