Enlisted at Westminster on the 18th of March 1850.
Age: 23.
Height: 5' 7".
Trade: None shown.
Embarked for the Crimea aboard the H.T. "Wilson Kennedy" on the 2nd of May 1854.
At Scutari General Depot from the 14th of December and rejoined the regiment in the Crimea on the 3rd of December 1854.
From Private to Corporal: 28th of February 1855.
Tried by a District Court-martial on the 5th of April 1855 for "being drunk when in charge of the rear-guard." Reduced to Private and awarded stoppage of pay of 1d. per day for three months
Discharged on the "Reduction of the Regiment" from Dundalk on the 6th of April 1857.
Served 7 years 16 days.
Conduct: "good".
In possession of one Good Conduct badge.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Lummis and Wynn state, "No clasps" but he is to be found on the Sebastopol clasp roll.