Born at Rochdale, Lancashire.
Enlisted at Westminster on the 4th of November 1854.
Age: 20.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: Clog-maker.
Appearance: Fresh complexion. Blue eyes. Brown hair.
Transferred to the Depot of the Military Train from Cahir on the 31st of January 1857. Regimental No. 1359.
Transferred to the Depot of the 2nd Foot at Birr on the 2nd of September 1857. Regimental No. 2.
From Private to Corporal: 23rd of December 1857.
Embarked to join the Service Troops at Capetown (1st Bn.) on the 13th of January 1858 and "to remain as Corporal during the voyage only." He received an advance of 80 days pay, until the 4th of April 1858.
Embarked for China on the 13th of March 1859, the voyage taking until the 31st of March.
Returned to England aboard the "Indomitable."
Discharged, "by purchase", from Portsmouth on the 7th of August 1861. Payment of £18.
Served 6 years 275 days.
Conduct: "good".
In possession of one Good Conduct badge.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Medal for the Second China War with clasps for Taku Forts 1860 and Pekin 1860.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.
1881 Census
No 61, Brown Street, Burnley. Lancashire.
A mean of this name was shown in the 1881 Census Returns as a Lodger Cotton Weaver, aged 46, born in Rochdale, at the home of Jonathan Cool, also a Cotton Weaver.
Four other men with the same surname served with this regiment (2nd Foot) during the period and all were possibly related.
Another James, Robert, Alexander, and Thomas.
The second James was a weaver by trade and was born in Oldham. He deserted whilst the regiment was in South Africa.
Robert, who transferred to the 13th Foot and did not go to China. Alexander went to China but transferred to the 13th Foot when the regiment stopped at Capetown on the way home and Thomas later became a Colour Sergeant in the regiment. He was born at Nurdlet Wardle, near Rochdale, and had enlisted on the 19th of March 1855 at the age of 23 years. He also served during the China War, receiving the medal with clasps for Taku Forts 1860.