Born at Dunchurch, near Rugby.
Enlisted into the 3rd Light Dragoons at London on the 23rd of November 1840. Regimental No. 1760.
Age: 20 years 2 months.
Height: 5' 8".
Trade: Servant.
Appearance: Sallow complexion. Hazel eyes. Brown hair.
Tried by a Regimental Court-martial and imprisoned 3rd of June - 14th of July 1841.
Transferred to the 13th Hussars on the 1st of July 1853.
Invalided to England on the 15th of April 1855.
From Private to Corporal, 19th of July 1859.
Corporal to Sergeant, 15th of January 1864.
Discharged from Canterbury on the 23rd of February 1869 as "Free to pension, after 24 years service."
Served 24 years 34 days.
In the Crimea, 1 year, India, 6 years 2 months,
Conduct: "good". Sixteen times entered in the Regimental Defaulter's book. Once tried by Court-martial.
In possession of two Good Conduct badges when promoted and would now have had five.
Awarded a pension of 1/8d. per day. Living in Coventry in 1875.
Aged 44 years on discharge.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava and Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.
He is not shown on the Balaclava clasp roll as being so entitled, but there is a "B" (for Balaclava) by the side of his entry on the Alma/Inkerman roll.
Documents confirm the award of the Punjab medal with clasps for Chilianwala and Goojerat, Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaklava, Sebastopol, and the Long Service medal.
Punjab medal with clasps for Chilianwala and Goojerat.
Awarded the Long Service & Good Conduct medal on the 2nd of October 1866, when at the Regimental Depot, Canterbury, with a Corporal's gratuity of £10.
Marriage registered
John Taylor married Mary Friend, December Quarter 1869, Rugby.
1871 Census
Dunchurch, Warwickshire.
John Taylor, 46, Pensioner, born Rugby.
Mary, 45, Dressmaker, born Dunchurch.
1881 Census
Cottage, Dunchurch, Warwickshire.
John Taylor, 56, Pensioner was living with his wife Mary, also from Dunchurch, aged 55.
Also present in the household are a sister-in-law, Elizabeth W. Friend, aged 68, and a niece, Constance M. Williams aged 4. [RM]
Death registered
Mary Taylor, 61, June Quarter 1888, Rugby.
1891 Census
15 Church Street, Rugby.
John Taylor, 66, widower, Temporary Night Watchman & Army Pensioner, born Rugby.
An "In-Pension" form for the Royal Hospital Chelsea was sent to him on the 14th of May 1897 but no reply is recorded.
Death registered
A "John Taylor", aged 68, appears in the General Records Office records as having died in Rugby district (including Dunchurch) in the September quarter of 1893.
Registration of marriage and death, and Census information for 1871 & 1891, kindly provided by Chris Poole.