Born at Bath.
1841 Census
Kingsmead Street, Walcot, Bath.
Charles Thyer, 7, born Walcot, Bath, is shown with four siblings (aged 6 months to 9 years) born to John Thyer, 40, and his wife Mary, 35.
1851 Census
9 Norfolk Crescent, Walcot, Bath.
Mary Ann Thyer, widow, Annuitant, and three children are shown: Charles 16 (Apprentice Tailor, born Bath), James 14, and Susan 12.
Enlisted at London on the 13th of July 1854.
Age: 17.
Height: 5' 8".
Trade: Tailor.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 21st of May 1855.
Invalided to England on the 4th of February 1856.
Discharged from Cahir on the 13th of December 1856 as "Invalided, and on the Reduction of the Regiment."
Awarded a pension of 6d. per day for three months.
To live in Bath after discharge.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.
1861 Census
In 1861, Emma Clapp was a Lady's Maid at Hampton Hall in Bathampton, Somerset.
Marriage registered
Charles Thyer married Emma Clapp, December Quarter 1863, Portsea.
1871 Census
Military Arms, 27 Union Street, Bath.
Charles Thyer, 34, Beer Retailer & Eating House, born Bath.
Emma, 35, born Awliscombe.
Susan J., 6, born Portsea.
Also two visitors and a Servant.
1881 Census
Weymouth Arms, 6 Burlington Place, Walcot, Somerset.
Charles Thyer, aged 45, Licensed Victualler, born at Bath, Somerset.
His wife, Emma, aged 45, born at Awliscombe, Devon.
Three children are shown: the eldest at 16 is a Barmaid.
Also his mother, Mary Ann Thyer, aged 71, born at Chardstoke [Chardstock], Devon.
1901 Census
3, Woolton Gardens, Bournemouth.
Charles Thyer [son], 29, boarder, Heraldic Engraver, born Bath.
Death registered
Emma Thyer, 76, March Quarter 1910, Bath.
Charles Thyer, aged 63, in the March Quarter of 1899, Bath.
Registration of marriage and death, and Census information for 1841, 1851, 1871 & 1901, kindly provided by Chris Poole.