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Who was Alicia Blackwood's "Tall Dragoon"? (
Lady Alicia Blackwood, A Narrative of Personal Experiences & Impressions During a Residence on the Bosphorus Throughout the Crimean War (London, 1881). Available online in various formats at (accessed 11th August 2013).
[PB: Notice how she says was prompted to write this book by the death in 1880 of Sultan, "a singularly docile and useful little horse" which she bought and rode in Turkey, and had brought back to England after the war: "His death seemed to recall to memory the many scenes in which he had served me so usefully, and had became a sort of sharer in them (p.2)."
Dictionary of National Biography: Blackwood (nee Lambart), Lady Alicia (1818-1913), nurse and philanthropist.
Alicia Blackwood in the correspondence of Florence Nightingale.