Born in the parish of St. Saviour's, York.
Enlisted into the 7th Hussars at Hull on the 11th of December 1854 with the Regimental No. of 1458.
Age: 18 years 2 months.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: Shoe-maker.
Appearance: Fresh complexion. Hazel eyes. Brown hair.
[PB: See also the record of 1514 Hendry Wilson, 8th Hussars, who transferred at the same time.]
Transferred to the 8th Hussars at York on the 31st of December 1854 — by Authority of the Horse Guards, and at his own request:
Horse Guards, 27th December 1854.
Sir, — With reference to your letter of the 13th and 26th inst. I am directed by the General Commander in Chief that his Lordship has been pleased to approve of the 15 men named in the margin (Not all of those listed went to the Crimea, but those that did are recorded as such in their own records) who enlisted for the 7th Hussars to be transferred, at their own request, to the 8th Hussars. These transfers are to take effect from the 31st instant,
I am, etc. etc.,
G.G. Weatherall, D.A.G.
[To:] Colonel Commanding 7th Hussars, York.
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 15th of June 1855.
Sent to Scutari on the 11th of July 1855 and invalided to England.
Discharged from Chatham Invalid Depot on the 30th of October 1856.
"Rendered unfit for further military service from disease of the heart — first apparent in December last after a fall from his horse in the riding school."
Served 1 year 10 months.
Conduct: "good". Not in possession of any Good Conduct badges.
Aged 20 years on discharge.
Granted a pension of 6d. per day for three months.
To live in Bradford, Yorkshire, after discharge.
Lummis and Wynn state, "Not on medal roll", and his name is not to be found on the Sebastopol clasp list. But a medal with clasp for Sebastopol was sold from the collection of J. Steven's of Epsom at a Sotheby's auction on the 9th of February 1886.