Born at Paisley c.1836 [?].
Enlisted into the 7th Hussars at Edinburgh on the 11th of June 1854. Regimental No. 1398.
Age: 18 years 3 months.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: Blacksmith.
Transferred to the 8th Hussars, at his own request, on the 4th of December 1854. (See also the record of 1451, Edward Boocock, 8th Hussars.)
Joined the regiment in the Crimea on the 15th of July 1855.
[PB: In November 2017 Wendy Leahy sent the following transcripts, found during her explorations in WO????. This raises any number of questions, to be followed up.]
8 Hussars
13 Oct 1855
Surrendered Deserter
Oct 11th 1855
I have the honor to report for your information that a Corporal of the 8th Huzzars came into this camp yesterday at 5 P.M., drunk, & stated that he wished to give himself up as a deserted from the [Royal] Artillery.
He repeated the statement this day, when sober, & added that he deserted from Captn Gregory's company, 20.1 of the 5th Battn, in January 1853, when on 6 weeks furlough from Woolwich, & in June 1853 enlisted in the 7th Huzzars, in Edinburgh & volunteered into the 8th Huzzars in January 1855. His name is William Hutton, but he has been going under that of Henry Wilson.
I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obedt servant,
H L Smyth [?]
Captn Rl Arty
[to] Lt Col Fitzwager [?]
comg. Rl Arty
2nd Division
[Note on back] Instructions as requested with reference to this man — he is now a prisoner in the guard room & I presume will have to be tried by Courts Martial.
Octr 12 1855
M Fitzrugh [?] Lt Col
Cg R A 2nd Divn
Camp near Kadakoi
Oct 13
I have no objection to retain Lance Corporal Wilson in the 8th Hussars, and such is also his wish provided he is not to be proceeded against as a Deserter.
I have the honor to be Sir your obedient servant
Rod de Salis Lt Col Cg 8th Hussars
[to] The Assistant Adjutant General
Cavalry Division
Transferred to the 2nd Dragoon Guards on the 31st of December 1856. Regimental No. 246.
He is shown in the muster rolls as a transfer back to the 7th Hussars in India on the 1st of December 1861, but no trace can be found of him in the muster rolls of the 7th Hussars. He is shown as "Henry" Wilson in some rolls of the 2nd Dragoon Guards.
Can find no trace to 1879.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol.
Mutiny medal with clasp for Lucknow.
Served at Koorsee and Newabgungee under Major General Sir Hope Grant.
Not recorded by Lummis and Wynn.
No info.
The editors are very grateful to Wendy Leahy for transcribing and sharing her discoveries in the National Archive Kew about HW/TH's "desertion" in 1856, which opens up new avenues for research.