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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 14.9.11. Minor edits 30.5.14.

1094, Private Bryant MATTHEWS — 17th Lancers

Birth & early life

Born c.1832.


Enlisted at Canterbury on the 19th of November 1851.

Age: 19.

Height: 5' 8".

Trade: None shown.


He was on the rear party when leaving the Crimea, attached to the 8th Hussars from the 25th of April — 15th of May 1856 and returning with them to England.

Tried by a District Court-martial at Dublin on the 12th of May 1857 for being "Drunk on duty and causing wilful damage." Awarded 84 days' imprisonment, with hard labour.

Sent to the Depot at Canterbury when the regiment went to India for the Mutiny campaign on 1st of October 1857.

From Private to Corporal, 1st of December 1858.

Sent to India from the Depot on the 7th of September 1859 and joining the regiment on the 24th of January 1860.

The muster roll for the period shows him as "To England for discharge, 3rd of March 1864".

Discharge & pension

Discharged in India "by Authority of the C-in-C In India: Time expired," from Madras on 27th of March 1864.

Served 12 years 67 days.

Conduct: "Latterly good."

In possession of two Good Conduct badges.


Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Inkerman, Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.


Life after service

Death & burial

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