Surname |
Rank |
Forename |
Regtl No |
Regiment |
Note |
MacIntosh | Private | Thomas | 1222 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
MacNeill | Lieutenant | Robert | 13th Light Dragoons | ||
Macartney | Captain | John | 17th Lancers | ||
Macaulay, Macauley | Private | Charles | 1057 | 8th Hussars | |
Macaulay | Sergeant | John | 812 | 8th Hussars | |
Mackie | Private | Edward | 1646 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Maclean | Cornet | Fitzroy | 13th Light Dragoons | ||
Macnaghton | Lieutenant | Francis | 8th Hussars | ||
Madden | Private | Richard | 342 | 17th Lancers | |
Maddin | Private | Daniel | 1717 | 11th Hussars | |
Magee | Private | Thomas | 934 | 17th Lancers | |
Magrath, McGrath | Private | Martin | 925 | 17th Lancers | |
Mahoney | Sergeant | Daniel | 1319 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mahoney | Private | Michael | 1066 | 8th Hussars | Murdered 24.9.54 [PB: sic?] at Varna |
Malanfy | Private | James | 1276 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mallalieu | Private | Edwin | 1642 | 11th Hussars | |
Malone | Corporal | Joseph | 1440 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Maloney | Private | Martin | 1663 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Maltby | Private | Charles | 1585 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Malthouse | Private | Frederick | 1657 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Maneeley | Private | John | 1459 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mann | Private | James | 943 | 17th Lancers | |
Mannerson | Private | Frederick | 1833 | 11th Hussars | |
Manning | Private | George | 1116 | 17th Lancers | |
Manning | Private | Isaac | 1367 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mansell | Private | George | 1106 | 17th Lancers | |
Marchant | Private | James | 1354 | 8th Hussars | |
Markland | Private | William | 1649 | 11th Hussars | |
Marks | Private | Robert | 1623 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Marlie | Private | William | 1171 | 17th Lancers | Died 7.12.54 at Scutari |
Marney | Private | John | 1784 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Marsh | Private | Edward | 1124 | 8th Hussars | Died 4.9.54 at Varna. |
Marsh | Private | Peter | 1025 | 17th Lancers | |
Marshall | Private | Charles | 1128 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Marshall | Private | George | 1624 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Marshall | Private | George | 1660 | 11th Hussars | |
Marshall | Private | James | 1213 | 17th Lancers | |
Marshall | Lieutenant | John | 4th Light Dragoons | ||
Marshall | Private | Thomas | 1010 | 17th Lancers | |
Marshman | Private | Benjamin | 1207 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Marshman | Private | Thomas | 882 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Martin | Private | Alfred | 1562 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Martin | Private | Charles | 1192 | 17th Lancers | |
Martin | Sergeant | Edward | 1208 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Martin, Wykeham Martin | Cornet | Fiennes | 4th Light Dragoons | ||
Martin | Private | George | 1023 | 11th Hussars | |
Martin | Private | Henry | 1139 | 17th Lancers | |
Martin | Private | John | 992 | 8th Hussars | |
Martin | Private | Robert | 1337 | 11th Hussars | |
Martin | Private | Thomas | 731 | 8th Hussars | |
Martin | Private | William | 1299 | 8th Hussars | |
Martin | Private | William | 1338 | 11th Hussars | |
Martin | Private | William | 1667 | 11th Hussars | |
Martin | Private | William | 1068 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Martin | Private | William | 1304 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Martin | Private | William | 1536 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Martindale | Private | Henry | 1254 | 8th Hussars | |
Mason | Private | John | 1579 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mason | Private | Thomas | 1015 | 17th Lancers | |
Masser | Private | John | 1255 | 11th Hussars | |
Massey | Surgeon | Hampden | 17th Lancers | ||
Mather, Mathey | Private | James | 1833 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Matthewman | Private | Joseph | 1533 | 8th Hussars | |
Matthews | Private | Bryant | 1094 | 17th Lancers | |
Matthews | Private | George | 1605 | 11th Hussars | |
Matthews | Private | James | 1689 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Matthews | Corporal | Joseph | 1326 | 8th Hussars | |
Matthews | Private | Joseph | 1289 | 13th Light Dragoons | Died 28.1.55 at Varna. Never in Crimea. |
Matthews | Private | Phelix | 991 | 17th Lancers | |
Matthews | Private | William | 1800 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Maughan | Private | William | 1506 | 8th Hussars | |
Maule | Private | George | 1602 | 11th Hussars | |
Maxse | Lieutenant | Henry | Brigade staff | ||
Maxwell | Private | Michael | 1748 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
May | Private | George | 1555 | 11th Hussars | |
Mayes | Private | Thomas | 1303 | 8th Hussars | |
Mayhew | Private | James | 1153 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mayow | Lieutenant - Colonel | George | Brigade staff | ||
McAllister | Private | James | 997 | 17th Lancers | |
McBride | Private | John | 1443 | 17th Lancers | |
McBrine | Private | John | 1418 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McBrine | Trumpeter | Thomas | 1339 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McCabe | Private | Michael | 639 | 17th Lancers | |
McCann | Private | John | 1341 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McCarten | Private | John | 1756 | 11th Hussars | |
McCarter | Private | Isaac | 1297 | 8th Hussars | |
Mccaulay | Sergeant | John | 812 | 8th Hussars | Died 18.8.54. |
McCausland | Private | John | 1114 | 8th Hussars | |
McElroy | Private | William | 1489 | 13th Light Dragoons | Died 29.12.54/6.9.54 [mng?] |
Mcevoy | Private | Patrick | 463 | 8th Hussars | Died in Hospital, Varna, 2.8.54 |
McClew, MacClew | Private | Frederick | 1708 | 11th Hussars | |
McCluer | Troop Sergeant Major | Harry | 859 | 8th Hussars | |
McCraw | Private | Frederick | 1743 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McCue | Private | James | 1457 | 8th Hussars | |
McCue | Private | James | 1460 | 8th Hussars | |
McDonald | Private | Edward | 1272 | 8th Hussars | |
McDonald | Private | Francis | 1301 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
McDonald | Private | James | 1059 | 11th Hussars | |
McDonald | Private | Michael | 913 | 8th Hussars | |
McDonald | Private | Thomas | 1838 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
McDonough | Private | John | 916 | 8th Hussars | |
McElroy | Corporal | Charles | 1273 | 8th Hussars | |
McElroy | Corporal | George | 1395 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McElroy | Private | William | 1489 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McFadzean | Private | James | 1430 | 13th Light Dragoons | Died 10.9.54 aboard ship. |
McEvoy | Private | Patrick | 463 | 8th Hussars | |
McEwan | Private | Thomas | 1672 | 11th Hussars | |
McFadzean | Private | James | 1430 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McGeorge | Private | John | 1385 | 11th Hussars | |
McGorrine | Private | Thomas | 1332 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McGrath | Private | John | 1364 | 8th Hussars | |
McGrath, Magrath | Private | Martin | 925 | 17th Lancers | |
McGregor | Private | George | 1382 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
McGuighan | Private | John | 1667 | 8th Hussars | |
McHeath | Private | Wallace | 1598 | 11th Hussars | |
McInnes | Private | David | 1425 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McKay | Private | Donald | 1780 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McKenna | Private | William | 941 | 17th Lancers | |
McKim, McKimm | Corporal | Graham | 1397 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McKimm | Private | Robert | 1356 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McLaughlin | Private | Michael | 1339 | 4th Light Dragoons | Died 5.8.54 at Varna. Batman to Lucan. |
McLean | Cornet | Fitzroy Donald | 13th Light Dragoons | At Scutari. Never in Crimea. [Check] | |
McLean | Private | Peter | 573 | 8th Hussars | |
McLellan | Private | Ferguson | 1821 | 11th Hussars | |
McMasters | Private | William | 1306 | 8th Hussars | |
McNabb | Private | Alexander | 379 | 17th Lancers | Died 14.1.55 at Scutari. |
McNally | Private | Thomas | 1272 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
McNamara | Corporal | James | 1075 | 11th Hussars | |
McNeff | Sergeant | James | 630 | 8th Hussars | |
McNeil | Private | James | 1339 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
McNeil | Private | Thomas | 1683 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
McNeill | Private | David | 684 | 17th Lancers | |
McNeill | Private | Robert | 901 | 17th Lancers | |
McNulty | Private | John | 1269 | 11th Hussars | |
McVeagh, MacVeagh, MacVeigh | Hospital Sergeant | John | 906 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Meade | Private | James | 1000 | 8th Hussars | |
Meakin | Private | John | 1771 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Meally | Private | Thomas | 1297 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Medders | Private | Frederick | 1436 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Meddows | Private | George | 1402 | 8th Hussars | |
Medway | Private | Henry | 1355 | 17th Lancers | |
Meillior | Private | Michael | 1754 | 8th Hussars | |
Melland | Private | Henry | 1515 | 11th Hussars | At Scutari. Died of Cholera. Never reached Crimea (original draft) |
Melrose | Private | Frederick | 975 | 17th Lancers | |
Mendham | Private | Youngs | 1654 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mepham | Private | John | 1571 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Meyer | Private | John | 1590 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Michael | RSM | Francis | 1210 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Middleton | Private | Isaac | 1422 | 11th Hussars | |
Milburn, Milburne | Private | Silvester | 741 | 11th Hussars | |
Mileson | Private | William | 1668 | 11th Hussars | |
Miller | Private | George | 1220 | 8th Hussars | |
Miller | Private | James | 1087 | 8th Hussars | |
Miller | Captain | James | 11th Hussars | ||
Miller | Asst Surgeon | Ormsby | 11th Hussars | ||
Miller | Private | William | 1783 | 11th Hussars | |
Millington | Private | James | 1633 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Millington | Private | John | 1664 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Millington | Private | Thomas | 1308 | 8th Hussars | |
Mills | Private | George | 1274 | 8th Hussars | |
Milne | Corporal | Charles | 727 | 8th Hussars | |
Milner | Private | Charles | 1460 | 11th Hussars | |
Minshull | Private | William | 1229 | 8th Hussars | |
Misler | Private | Wheatley | 1305 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Mitchell | Private | Albert | 1401 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mitchell | Private | Francis | 1417 | 17th Lancers | Left sick at Scutari 15.6.55 [sic?]. To Crimea 19.11.55. |
Mitchell | Private | Henry | 1563 | 17th Lancers | |
Mitchell | Private | Thomas | 1678 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mitchley | Private | Edward | 1569 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mitton | Private | Charles | 881 | 17th Lancers | |
Mock | Private | William | 1266 | 8th Hussars | |
Molloy | Sergeant | Luke | 489 | 11th Hussars | |
Moloney | Private | James | 1457 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moloney | Private | William | 1389 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Molyneux | Captain | Charlie, Charles | 4th Light Dragoons | ||
Monaghan | Private | Peter | 689 | 17th Lancers | Died at sea 9.9.54. |
Money | Private | Thomas | 1654 | 11th Hussars | Possibly served Crimea. To 7H 10.8.57. |
Moneypenny | Private | Robert | 934 | 8th Hussars | |
Montgomery | Cornet | Hugh | 13th Light Dragoons | ||
Montrose | Corporal | Henry | 1263 | 8th Hussars | |
Moody | Private | Henry | 1094 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moody | Private | James | 1820 | 11th Hussars | |
Moody | Private | Thomas | 1517 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Moody | Private | William | 1808? 1833? | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moon | Private | John | 1007 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Mooney, Goss | Private | Edward | 1754 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Mooney | Private | Nicholas | 1125 | 8th Hussars | |
Moore | Private | George | 1899 | 11th Hussars | |
Moore | Private | James | 1486 | 17th Lancers | |
Moore | Private | Jeremiah, Frederick | 1818 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moore | Private | John | 855 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moore | Private | John | 1702 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moore | Private | Joseph | 974 | 13th Light Dragoons | Died at Varna 7.12.1854 [Check: RM's notes say 7.9.54.] |
Moore | Private | Joseph | 1224 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Moore | Private | William | 1964 | 11th Hussars | |
Moore | Private | William | 1823 | 11th Hussars | |
Moorhouse | Private | Thomas | 1799 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moran | Private | Thomas | 1691 | 4th Light Dragoons | To service troops 20.7.55. From Scutari 1.11.55. To 7H 1.8.57 |
Moran | Private | Thomas | 1165 | 17th Lancers | |
Moreham | Private | Archibald | 1639 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Moreton | Private | William | 1662 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Moreton | Private | Wright | 1671 | 8th Hussars | |
Morgan | Private | Charles | 988 | 17th Lancers | |
Morgan (future Viscount/Lord Tredegar) | Captain | Godfrey | 17th Lancers | ||
Morgan | Private | William | 1777 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Morley | Private | James | 1817 | 11th Hussars | |
Morley | Corporal | Thomas | 1004 | 17th Lancers | |
Morris | Private | George | 1136 | 8th Hussars | |
Morris | Private | James | 1056 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Morris | Private | James | 1134 | 11th Hussars | Died 17.2.55 at Scutari. Never reached Crimea. |
Morris | Private | John | 1687 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Morris | Private | William | 1255 | 8th Hussars | |
Morris | Captain | William | 17th Lancers | ||
Morrissey | Sergeant | Patrick | 1248 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mortimer | Private | John | 938 | 8th Hussars | |
Mortlock | Private | Thomas | 1624 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mottisham | Private | John | 1697 | 4th Light Dragoons | To service troops 20.7.55, from Scutari 1.11.55. |
Mountain | Private | Ephraim | 634 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mudge | Private | Charles | 947 | 17th Lancers | Died 6.12.54 at Scutari |
Muffitt | Private | John | 1097 | 8th Hussars | |
Mugg | Private | Henry | 1085 | 17th Lancers | |
Muir | Private | Thomas | 1393 | 11th Hussars | |
Mulcahey | Sergeant | John | 1230 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Mullins | Private | Andrew | 967 | 8th Hussars | |
Mullins, Mullings | Private | Thomas | 1095 | 17th Lancers | |
Mullumby | Private | John | 994 | 8th Hussars | |
Munday, Mundy | Private | Alfred | 1901 | 11th Hussars | |
Mundy | Sergeant | Thomas | 1124 | 11th Hussars | |
Murdoch | Private | John | 1408 | 8th Hussars | |
Murphy | Private | John | 1779 | 11th Hussars | |
Murphy | Private | John | 1045 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Murphy | Private | Lawrence | 1687 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Murphy | Private | Philip | 690 | 17th Lancers | |
Murphy | Private | Simon | 1516 | 8th Hussars | |
Murray | Corporal | John | 1317 | 13th Light Dragoons | |
Murray | Corporal | Robert | 1083 | 8th Hussars | |
Murrow | Private | Henry | 1117 | 11th Hussars | |
Musgrave | Lieutenant | Peter | 17th Lancers | Embarked, but on leave 14.7. — 30.9.54 [mng?]. Not in Crimea. | |
Mussenden | Cornet | William | 8th Hussars | ||
Mustard | Private | James | 1149 | 17th Lancers | |
Myall | Private | John | 1620 | 4th Light Dragoons | |
Myers | Private | John | 1409 | 11th Hussars |
Surname |
Rank |
Forename |
Regtl No |
Regiment |
Note |
Malcomb | Private | John | 1901 | 4th Light Dragoons | To service troops 3.9.55. To England 23.1.56. |
Marklew | Private | Thomas | 2026 | 4th Light Dragoons | Joined the regiment 1.10.55. |
Martin | Private | William | 2003 | 4th Light Dragoons | Joined the regiment 1.10.55. Died 25.11.55. |
McDonald | Private | James | 2011 | 4th Light Dragoons | Joined the regiment 1.10.55. |
Meers | Private | George | 2129 | 4th Light Dragoons | Joined the regiment 1.10.55 |
Miller | Private | Frederick James | 1605 | 4th Light Dragoons | To service troops 25.5.55. From Scutari 1.11.55 |
Murray | Private | James | 1858 | 4th Light Dragoons | Joined the regiment 1.9.55. |
Mccauliffe | Private | Thomas | 1314 | 8th Hussars | Joined the regiment 20.11.55 from England |
Mcdonald | Private | Thomas | 1669 | 8th Hussars | Joined the regiment 28.9.55. |
Mckenzie | Private | John | 1291 | 8th Hussars | Joined the regiment 29.11.55. |
Mcnally | Private | William | 1734 | 8th Hussars | Joined the regiment 15.11.55 from England |
Medcalf | Private | Thomas | 1728 | 8th Hussars | From England 28.9.54 |
Mimms | Private | Francis | 1429 | 8th Hussars | From England 28.9.54 |
Moss | Private | John | 1447 | 8th Hussars | Joined the regiment 20.11.55 from England |
Private | John | 1944 | 11th Hussars | From England 28.9.55. | |
Mayes [sic?] | Private | Abraham | 2053 | 11th Hussars | From England 18.11.55. |
McClintock | Private | James | 1910 | 11th Hussars | From England 28.9.55. To 8H 13.9.57. |
Mercer | Private | Cyrus | 1863 | 11th Hussars | From England 28.9.55. |
Montgomery | Private | Robert | 1844 | 11th Hussars | From England 18.11.55. |
Moore | Private | Charles | 1905 | 11th Hussars | From England 18.11.55. |
Moore | Private | William | 1964 | 11th Hussars | From England 28.9.55. |
Murgatroyd | Private | George | 1896 | 11th Hussars | From England 28.9.55. To 8H 13.9.57 |
Murray | Private | John | 1861 | 11th Hussars | From England 28.9.55. Disch. 3.11.56 [sic?] |
McGregor | Private | Alfred | 1991 | 13th Light Dragoons | With service troops 1 [?].11.55. Never in crimea. |
McQuarrie | Private | Andrew | 1891 | 13th Light Dragoons | At Scutari 3.12.55. |
Molloy | Private | Joseph | 1764 | 13th Light Dragoons | At Scutari 3.12.55. |
Munn | Lieutenant | Henry Oldham | 13th Light Dragoons | Service troops 30.11.55 at Scutari. | |
Manning | Private | Daniel | 1584 | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 21.11.55. |
Mara | Private | John | 1580 | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall. |
Marriott | Private | Chas | 1591 | 17th Lancers | Left sick at Malta 16.9.55. |
Marshall | Cornet | Henry | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 27.9.55 (headed detachment) | |
Matthews | Private | Felix | 991 | 17th Lancers | Returned to England with Col. Lawrenson 26.10.54. Never in Crimea. |
McGee | Private | Henry | 1566 | 17th Lancers | From 16th Lancers 31.8.55. Joined the regiment 29.9.55 with Cornet Marshall. |
McGinn | Private | Francis | 1407 | 17th Lancers | From 16th Lancers 31.8.55. Joined the regiment 29.9.55 with Cornet Marshall. To 12th Lancers 12.8.56. |
McGregor | Private | Wm | 1703 | 17th Lancers | From 16th Lancers 31.8.55. Joined the regiment 29.9.55 with Cornet Marshall. To 2DG 31.12.56. |
McNamara | Private | Michael | 1459 | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 21.11.55. |
Mewett | Private | Horace | 1598 | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 21.11.55. |
Millbank | Private | Richard | 1461 | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall. |
Moore | Private | Wm | 1528 | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall. |
Mullen | Private | Ralph | 1557 | 8th Hussars | From England 28.9.55. |
Murphy | Private | Edward Joseph | 1678 | 17th Lancers | From 16L. Joined the regiment 14.11.55. |
Musgrave | Private | Frederick | 1370 | 17th Lancers | Joined the regiment 28.9.55 with Cornet Marshall. |