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The E.J. Boys Archive

Added 14.9.11. Minor edits 5.4.2014, 31.5.14.

1196, Private John OSMINT — 17th Lancers

Birth & early life

Born at Bedminster, near Bristol.

1851 Census

1 Odells Place, St Luke, Chelsea.

John Osmint, 14, living with his father Henry, 37, Cow Keeper, born Bristol.


Enlisted at London on the 13th of January 1854.

Age: 19.

Height: 5' 8".

Trade: Labourer.

Features: Fresh complexion. Grey eyes. Brown hair.


Joined the regiment in the Crimea from Brighton on the 29th of April 1855.

Embarked for India from Cork aboard the S.S. "Great Britain" on the 8th of October 1857.

The muster roll for the period shows him as having been in the "Black Hole" at Kirkee from the 21-28 of June 1858.

The musters for July-September 1858 show him as being "On Detachment at Sholapoore" during the whole of the period.

In action against the rebels at Zeerapore on the 29th of December, at Baroda on the 1st of January 1859 and:

"Was wounded in action on the 15th of January 1859, having received a sabre cut over the left elbow and severing the ulnar nerve. He also received a cut over the left temple. I recommend that he be sent to England as an invalid."

Invalided to England, "incapacitated by wounds", on the 20th of June 1859.

Discharge & pension

Discharged from Canterbury on the 3rd of November 1859.

Served 5 years 59 days. Aged 24 years 5 months on discharge.

Granted a pension of 9d. per day.

Medals & commemorations

Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasp for Sebastopol, and the Turkish medal.

Mutiny medal without clasp.

Further medal information archived.

Life after service

1861 Census

Rose Cottage, Kings Road, Chelsea.

John Osmint, 24, married, Chelsea Pensioner, born Bedminster.

Living with father Henry, 47, Cow Keeper, and brother and 2 Servants.

Death & burial

Death registered

John Osmint, 42, December Quarter 1879, Chelsea.

Further information

In his manuscript account of the Charge and of the Indian Mutiny, 1117 James Wightman tells of a man he calls "Osborne", but from every known detail was most certainly Osmint:

"[W]hen forming up after the pursuit of Tantia's cavalry (who had turned tail) a rebel officer who had been cut off from his own men was seen standing by his grey horse which had fallen through exhaustion. With sword in hand Osborne rode up to Captain Knight to ask permission to kill him. "Yes, But be careful how you go at him" was the reply. Away went Osborne.

The rebel faced him boldly and bravely, but by some mishap Osborne got too close to him before he delivered the point and the rebel nearly cut his hand off, which caused him to drop his lance. This the rebel seized and well defended himself with it. Sergeant Mansell and Private Marsh rode out to attack him, who was then quickly ... and shot..."

(See copy in the "Memoirs" file.)

References & acknowledgements

Registration of death, and Census information for 1851 & 1861, kindly provided by Chris Poole.

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, via info@chargeofthelightbrigade.com