Born in Bangalore, India, c.1831.
Extract from the India Office Baptismal Records:
Bangalore, 23rd of May 1832. Augustus Curtis, son of John Curtis Gully of Bangalore, Sergeant in H.M.'s 13th Light Dragoons and of Jane, his wife, Born 21st of April 1832. Was baptised this day by me. — G. Graeme.
Enlisted at Longford, Ireland, on the 7th of February 1850.
Age: 19.
Height: 5' 6".
Trade: None shown.
From Private to Corporal: 10th of May 1854.
Appointed to Hospital Sergeant on the 1st of November 1854.
Returned to "Duty Sergeant", 22nd of July 1855.
Promoted to Quarter-Master Sergeant on the 16th of November 1856.
Died at Norwich on the 6th of February 1866.
Entitled to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman and Sebastopol.
Died at Norwich on the 6th of February 1866.
Next-of-kin: Wife, Janet Gully, living in the parish of St. John's, Norwich.
He left no will and his "Credits" were £4/17/11d.
He had sent money from the Crimea to a sister, Jane Gully, c/o Mrs Cureton, Hampton Court Palace, while serving in the Crimea
He was buried in the Earlham Road Cemetery, Norwich, on the 9th of February 1866, aged 35 years. He is shown in the Cemetery records as being a Quarter-master Sergeant of the 13th Hussars from Pockthorpe Barracks. The grave No. is 10/70 and a memorial stone was erected.
The gravestone erected to him has the following (now only just readable) inscription:
Alma — Balaclava — Inkerman. In memory of Quarter-master C. Gully. 13th. Hussars. Died 6th of February 1866. Aged 35 years. This stone was erected by brother Non-Commissioned Officers as a token of their esteem and respect.
His name in particular is badly damaged. He is buried in the plot next to 1609 James Williamson (real name Oliver James Johnston) of the 11th Hussars who was serving as a TSM in the 18th Hussars by then.
ACG was one of a family of four: Ann Collwood, born at Madras in 1837; Augustus C., born at Madras in 1832; Jane Collwood, born at Bangalore in 1834, and Robert William, born at Madras in 1838.
Robert enlisted into the same regiment at York in 1854 at the age of 15 years and was later in the Regimental Band. He was awarded the Long Service & Good Conduct medal, with a gratuity of £5, on the 17th of August 1873.
His father was No. 406 Hospital Sergeant Major John Curtis Gully, born at Axbridge, near Bristol, and enlisted into the 13th Light Dragoons at Westminster on the 25th of September 1826 at the age of 21. He was 5' 9" in height, with a fresh complexion, hazel eyes and brown hair. His trade was that of a "Surgeon".
John Curtis Gully was promoted to Corporal on the 16th of October 1826, but reduced to Private again on the 29th of September 1828 by a Regimental Court-martial. To Corporal again on the 14th of July 1833, remaining in that rank until shown as ranking "as a Troop Sergeant Major" from the 1st of December 1848.
He was discharged fron Dublin on the 30th of September 1850, with a pension of 2/- per day. The medical report from Kilmainham Hospital then stated:
Unfit for further service. I hereby certify that Sergeant John Gully of the 13th L.D. was attacked by Haeomptysis on the 24th of August last and has been under my care in hospital here since that date. He is now convalescent — but I consider that his going to Edinburgh would be attended with great danger — particularly as he suffers much from sea-sickness.
Served 23 years 357 days, including thirteen years abroad — Arcot, 7 weeks, Arnee, 1 year, and Bangalore, 11 years and 5 months. To live in Dublin. Conduct and character: "has been good". Aged 44 years 11 months on discharge. Died in Dublin on the 15th of July 1858.
Two other men of the same surname served in the Royal Dragoons during the first Quarter of the 19th century. Coming from the same part of the country, all were possibly related, and either could have been the father of John Curtis Gully and the grandfather of Augustus Curtis Gully.
The first was Philip Gully, born at Rowberry, near Axbridge, Somerset, who enlisted at Wells on the 25th of June 1800 for "unlimited service". He was aged 18, with a dark complexion, hazel eyes, dark brown hair, and a "labourer" by trade. He was discharged from Weymouth on the 8th of August 1821 "in consequence of a diseased liver and the Reduction of the Regiment". The medical report stated:
I certify that Philip Gully is suffering from disease of the liver to an extent which renders him totally unable to perform his duties. The disease had its origins in an attack of the ague during his service in Spain, since when he has become gradually worse.
Served 21 years 121 days. Conduct: "Has been good".
Served in the Peninsula campaign. (He does not appear to have survived to receive a medal for this.) Awarded a pension of 9d. per day.
The other was Simon Gully, born at Shipman, near Axbridge. He had previously served in the 2nd Somerset Fencible Yeomanry from the 21st of August 1798. Aged 19. with a sallow complexion, hazel eyes and brown hair. No trade is shown.
He was a Private for 3 years 331 days, Corporal for 2 years 31 days, and a Sergeant for 11 years 34 days. He was discharged from Hamilton barracks, Scotland — By Authority of the C. in C. — and signed by Adjutant- General Leith, dated the 10th of February 1818. He had served 19 years 221 days, to count, his conduct and character being "good". He had served at Waterloo. Awarded a pension of 1/- per day.