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The E.J. Boys Archive

Paul Anthony 11th Hussars


Name index — O

This list aims to show all members of the five regiments of the Light Cavalry brigade known to have embarked for active service in the Crimean War between 1854 and 1856 — more than 3000 men. Of these, between 600 and 700 were in the Charge on 25th October 1854. Men who arrived after the fall of Sebastopol on 9 September 1855, who (with some exceptions) were therefore not entitled to the Crimean War Medal, are listed separately below. Men who died or were invalided home before reaching the Crimea are shown in the main list.

NB For the moment, only the records for the 13th Light Dragoons are fully accessible to read online. If you are interested in a man from one of the other regiments, please contact the editors.

Regtl No
O'Brien Private Edward 1021 4th Light Dragoons
O'Brien Private James 1507 4th Light Dragoons
O'Brien Private Kennedy 996 8th Hussars
O'Brien Private Michael 1461 4th Light Dragoons
O'Brien Private Michael 1572 13th Light Dragoons
O'Brien Private Timothy 1118 8th Hussars Died August 1854 at Varna
O'Connell Private Michael 1829 4th Light Dragoons
O'Conner, Conner, Connor Private Dennis 1125 4th Light Dragoons
O'Fallon Corporal Matthew 1315 8th Hussars
O'Gorman Private James 882 17th Lancers
O'Hara Troop Sergeant Major Denis 600 17th Lancers
O'Hara Private James 716 17th Lancers
O'Keefe Private James 1718 11th Hussars
O'Keefe Private John 1036 8th Hussars
O'Keefe Private William 1226 13th Light Dragoons
O'Meara Private Maurice 1570 17th Lancers
O'Neill Private Charles 459 13th Light Dragoons Died 17.11.54 at Scutari. Never reached Crimea.
Oakes Private Charles 1736 11th Hussars
Oakley Private Luke 709 11th Hussars
Oates Private William 1455 8th Hussars
Ockford Troop Sergeant Major Samuel 1198 4th Light Dragoons
Odlam Private Henry 908 8th Hussars
Ogburn Private Richard 1495 4th Light Dragoons
Ogden Private Abraham 1736 4th Light Dragoons
Oldham Captain John 13th Light Dragoons
Oliver Private Daniel 1824 4th Light Dragoons
Oliver Private James 1615 4th Light Dragoons
Oliver Private John 1728 13th Light Dragoons
Olley Private James 1543 4th Light Dragoons
Ollis Private Edward 1079 17th Lancers
Oram Private Caleb 1551 4th Light Dragoons
Ormsby-Gore, Gore Major William 13th Light Dragoons
Orson Private George 1729 11th Hussars
Osborne Private Frank 1772 13th Light Dragoons
Osborne Private George 1587 8th Hussars
Osborne Private Joseph 1647 11th Hussars
Osborne Private Thomas 1564 4th Light Dragoons
Osbourne Private William 1553 4th Light Dragoons Died 13.9.54 aboard "Simla"
Osmint Private John 1196 17th Lancers
Osmond Private Frederick 1369 17th Lancers
Owen Private Francis 1928 11th Hussars
Owen, Owen Glendwr Private Richard 1192 8th Hussars
Ollis Private Edward 1079 17th Lancers Died 12.10.54 at Scutari.

Arrived after 9 September 1855

Regtl No
O'Braen [sic?] Private James 1951 4th Light Dragoons Joined the regiment 1.9.55. To 7H 1.9.57
O'Reilly Private Oliver 1813 4th Light Dragoons To service troops 3.9.55. To 7H 1.8.57
Owen Private Samuel 1645 8th Hussars From England 28.9.55.
Owen Private Francis [sic?] 1928 11th Hussars From England 28.9.55. Died 22.3.56 Kadikoi.

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, viainfo@chargeofthelightbrigade.com